对于大折返性房速,感兴趣窗口(WOI)的设置如按De Pointe方法设置,CARTO激动图上首尾相接部位应为缓慢传导部位或关键部位。在CARTO激动顺序标测中,是否合理准确采点至为重要:①采点密度应适中,不留死角,但对感兴趣区应精细标测;②在心动过速节律或激动顺序发生变化时应重新设置WOI进行新标测;③避免在早搏时取点;④采点时应注意参考电极自动取点是否正确,否则应人工修正;⑤避免将干扰电位或远隔心腔的电位认作局部电位;⑥对于局部电位起始部不明的地方如疤痕、碎裂电位、双电位应作注解待事后总揽全图后再修正或判断。
拖带为另一重要的标测手段,拖带需要稳定的折返环路,如CL和PPI的差值在30 ms以内,说明起搏部位在主导折返环路附近,但不能判断是否为折返的关键部位。但拖带有其局限性:①拖带刺激有时会意外终止房速;②拖带刺激周围如存在传导延迟,则PPI 结果会不准确;③拖带频率过快,会造成起搏周围功能性阻滞,也会导致PPI不准确。为避免上述情况,拖带周长仅比心动过速周长短20~30 ms即可。
Mapping and ablation of macroreentrant atrial tachycardia and focal atrial tachycardia
Shaowen Liu, Cardiology Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated the First People’s Hospital, Shanghai, China
The macroreentrant atrial tachycardia and focal atrial tachycardia are always concerned in post-atrial fibrillation ablation era. Pulmonary veins electrical isolation is the cornerstone for atrial fibrillation ablation, but atrial tachycardia is often encountered after procedures. The incidence of such atrial tachycardia varies from 1.2% to 25%. Some aggressive approaches aim to terminate atrial fibrillation (linear ablation or CFAE ablation e.g.) also increase onset of such atrial tachycardia. The atrial tachycardia is often associated fast ventricular rate which can further worsen heart performance, and if not terminated in time such atrial tachycardia causes atrial matrix remodeling which could perpetuate atrial fibrillation if recurrence happens.
Atrial tachycardia after ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is often focal origin if target pulmonary veins are identified during procedure. The resumed target pulmonary vein-atrium connection conduction contributes its occurrence, and also less than 10% atrial tachycardia after procedure are focal origin for example SVC or left appendage. The macroreentrant atrial tachycardias are more prevalent in persistent atrial fibrillation after procedure. Many authors consider such atrial tachycardia an iatrogenic disease since two artificial circumferential PV rings combining mitral annula may comprise several reentrant pathways which contribute to genesis of atrial tachycardia. Frequently two type of macroreentrant atrial tachycardia are encountered. One is reentrant pathway surrounding roof of left atrium, and the other is surrounding left atrial isthmus. Another two sparse circumstance are number “8” type reentrant pathways with left atrial roof and mitral isthmus both engaged, and those mediated by two GAPs left in pulmonary veins.
The activation sequence mapping and entrainment are two major approaches for atrial tachycardia after atrial fibrillation ablation. The activation type of an focal origin is concentric from an earliest point and atrial activation time is less than that of tachycardia cycle length (CL). For microreentrant atrial tachycardia, the panorama of left atrium activition is quite similar to a focal origin. But detailed mapping around earliest origin can reveal continuous local fragmented potential. The lasting time of such potential nearly equals to tachycardia CL. For macroreentrant atrial tachycardia, if WOI is set according De Pointe’s method the “Early Meet Late” will identify critical reentrant channel that means slow conduction area. During activation mapping with CARTO system proper point collection is very important with reasonable density and no place left. The area of interest should be mapped with detail. The WOI should be reset and begin a remap if tachycardia rate or sequence changes. The operator should confirm every point is picked right and avoid inappropriate point picking arising from interferential potential. Some potential with difficult discernable initial part should be labeled and wait for later reevaluation and revised.
The entrainment is also a critical mapping approach for atrial tachycardia. The reentrant pathway should be stable or stimulation may terminate the tachycardia, or it make difficult to capture atrium. If difference between CL and PPI is within 30ms, it means the pacing site is just in the reentrant pathway or vicinity of it. But it doesn’t indicate the pacing site is in the critical reentrant channel. Sometimes the entrainment doesn’t work because of too fast pacing rate which induces functional exit blocking around. Entrainment cycle with 20-30ms less than tachycardia CL is enough.
Matrix mapping is occasionally used for complex atrial tachycardia. Some unusual reentrant pathways arising from post cardiac surgery scar or primary extensive scars in atrial endocardium. For such cases the activation mapping sometimes can’t reveal a clear reentrant pathway. In this circumstance matrix mapping can provide additional valuable information. The unipolar mapping is often used to confirm the earliest origin in focal atrial tachycardia.
The general principles, rationale, and working of the catheter ablation have been explained well in the existing literature. We should emphasize that about 70% of cases need intracoronary vein radiofrequency delivery to guarantee bidirectional mitral isthmus block. For some local reentrant atrial tachycardia, the strategy is to interrupt reentrant pathway by connecting the scar to a physiological electrical anatomic barrier such as SVC, IVC or an annula.
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