摘要:众所周知干燥综合征主要累及外分泌腺,尤其是泪腺和唾液腺,乳腺的解剖学、组织学、免疫学特征与之有相似之处。为此我们研究了干燥综合征患者的乳腺受累情况,与小涎腺受累的组织病理进行比较。我们回顾分析了具有小唾液腺和乳腺病理组织的干燥综合征患者资料(2000年1月至2015年1月在蒙彼利埃大学医院随访)。两位病理学家对这些组织进行了回顾性分析,以确定炎症模式。进行免疫组化染色来确定精确的白细胞分布情况。共纳入16例具有唾液腺和乳腺组织标本的干燥综合征患者。均为女性,干燥综合征诊断的中位年龄60.1±11.3岁。6例患者因具有乳腺症状而进行了乳腺活检,10例患者进行了乳腺癌的相关影像筛查。9例患者呈现炎性乳腺模式(淋巴细胞浸润或导管扩张症),与小唾液腺的组织学表现相似。免疫组织化学染色(N = 5)显示乳腺组织内有B和T细胞浸润,CD4 +T细胞比例更高,但未发现分泌IgG4的浆细胞。这是描述干燥综合征患者乳腺炎症形式的首个病例研究。乳腺炎与这种疾病的外分泌腺受累是一致的。这些发现与认为干燥综合征是“自身免疫性皮炎”的文献数据一致。
附原文:Abstract Sjögren's syndrome is well known to target exocrine glands, especially lacrimal and salivary glands, which share with mammary glands anatomical, histological, and immunological features. Herein, we investigated the mammary involvement in patients with Sjögren's syndromeand compared the histological findings with minor salivary gland involvement. We reviewed the charts of patients with Sjögren's syndrome(followed in Montpellier University Hospital, between January 2000 and January 2015), in whom minor salivary gland and mammary tissues were available. Two expert pathologists analysed retrospectively these tissues in order to identify inflammatory patterns. Immunohistochemicalstainings were performed to precise leucocyte distribution. Sixteen Sjögren's syndrome patients with available salivary and breast tissue samples were included. All were women, with a median age of 60.1 ± 11.3 years at Sjögren's syndrome diagnosis. Mammary biopsy was conducted because
of breast symptoms in 6 patients and following imaging screening strategies for breast cancer in 10 patients. Nine patients exhibited an inflammatory breast pattern (lymphocytic infiltrates or duct ectasia), close to minor salivary gland histological findings. Immunohistochemicalstainings (n = 5) revealed B and T cell infiltrates within breast tissue, with a higher proportion of T CD4+ cells, but no IgG4-secreting plasma cells were found. This is the first series to describe breast inflammatory patterns in Sjögren's syndrome. Mastitis is in line with the classical involvement of exocrine glands in this disease. These findings are consistent with the literature data considering Sjögren's syndrome as an "autoimmune epithelitis".
引自:Goulabchand R,Hafidi A,Millet I,Morel J,Lukas C,Humbert S,Rivière S,Gény C,Jorgensen C,Le Quellec A,Perrochia H,Guilpain P.Mastitis associated with Sjögren's syndrome: a series of nine cases. Immunol Res. 2017;65(1):218-229.
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