
抗着丝点抗体和抗SSA抗体双阳性干燥综合征患者有更高的ESSDAI评分和IgG 水平

作者:Suzuki Y et al, 翻译:北医三院赵金霞 审校:柴静 来源:中国风湿病公众论坛 日期:2018-06-20

         抗着丝点抗体和抗SSA抗体双阳性干燥综合征患者有更高的ESSDAI评分和IgG 水平

关键字:  干燥综合征 



        结果:纳入的干燥综合征患者中共有16例ACA/SS-A双阳性,20例ACA单阳,67例SS-A单阳,5例ACA/SS-A双阴性。ACA/SS-A 双阳性的患者年龄明显高于SS-A 单阳的患者(平均年龄71.1 vs 53.1岁)。与ACA单阳的患者相似,抗体双阳性的患者在诊断时具有更高的EULAR 干燥综合征疾病活动性指数评分(ESSDAI) (平均3.81 vs 0.50) 和更高的血清IgG 水平(平均2,009 vs 1,389 mg/dL)。随访45.6个月内(范围: 1-178),无1例患者出现皮肤硬化表现。

        结论:这些结果显示, ACA/SS-A双阳性的干燥综合征患者不同于ACA单阳和SSA单阳的患者。临床实践中,ACA和抗SS-A/Ro抗体双阳性的干燥综合征患者应受到更多关注。

        附原文:Abstract OBJECTIVES:The purpose of our study was to define the clinical characteristics of anti-centromere antibody and anti-SS-A/Ro antibody (ACA/SS-A) double positive Sjögren's syndrome (SS) and to clarify the clinical impact of these antibodies.METHODS:We examined 108 patients (6 males, mean age 57.9 years) with SS who underwent labial salivary gland biopsy. The patients were divided into 4 groups by ACA and anti-SS-A/Ro antibody positivity. Symptoms, laboratory and pathological data, and scleroderma-related data were compared among the groups.RESULTS:The cohort consisted of 16 ACA/SS-A double positive, 20 ACA single positive, 67 SS-A single positive, and 5 ACA/SS-A double negative SS. ACA/SS-A double positive SS were significantly older than SS-A single positive SS (mean age 71.1 vs 53.1 years). They had higher EULAR Sjögren's syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI) at diagnosis (mean 3.81 vs 0.50) and higher serum IgG (mean 2,009 vs 1,389 mg/dL) than ACA single positive SS. No patients developed skin sclerosis during a mean follow-up period of 45.6 months (range: 1-178).CONCLUSIONS:These results demonstrate that ACA/SS-A double positiveSS is distinct from ACA single positive and SSA single positive SS. The combination of ACA and anti-SS-A/Ro antibody in SS should deserve greater attention in clinical practice.

        引自:Suzuki Y,Fujii H,Nomura H,Mizushima I,Yamada K,Yamagishi M,Kawano M.Impact of double positive for anti-centromere and anti-SS-A/Ro antibodies on clinicopathological characteristics of primary Sjögren's syndrome: a retrospective cohort study. Mod Rheumatol. 2017 Dec 18:1-19. doi: 10.1080/14397595.2017.1418164.




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