概 要
原 文
Early Recognition and Treatment HeraldsOptimal Outcomes: the Benefits of Combined Rheumatology–Dermatology Clinics andIntegrative Care of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Patients
Purpose of Review
Diagnosis and treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) can be challenging and require a multidisciplinary approach. This review provides an overview of combined dermatology–rheumatology clinics.
Recent Findings
Combined dermatology–rheumatology clinics have emerged to optimize integrated care for patients with psoriasis and PsA. There are over 20 such clinics across the USA. These clinics facilitate multidisciplinary care for patients with psoriasis and PsA and have been found to improve outcomes and enhance both patient and physician satisfaction and knowledge. Challenges presented by these clinics include appropriate scheduling for both dermatologists and rheumatologists and proving the benefits of the clinics to obtain institutional support.
Combined dermatology–rheumatology clinics are a novel model of care for patients with psoriasis and PsA. They improve outcomes, patient and physician satisfaction, and efficiency. As more of these clinics are established, we must further understand their impact on outcomes and care processes.
Soleymani, et al. Current Rheumatology Reports. 20 Nov 2017,20(1):1
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