摘要:目的:类风湿关节炎(RA)和牙周炎之间的相互关联因其共同的致病机制而被提出。已研究表明蛋白质氨甲酰化和嗜中性粒细胞胞外网状陷阱(NETs)形成与自身免疫病(包括RA)有关,但它们与牙周炎的关系尚未阐明。 因此我们评估了氨甲酰化蛋白(CarP)和NETs的循环水平是否与牙周炎的严重程度相关,以及是否受牙周炎治疗的影响。方法:我们进行了一项回顾性病例对照研究,其中包括40例合并牙周炎的RA患者,30例牙周炎患者以及43例无牙周疾病的健康对照,以评估Carp、NETs以及风湿病和牙周状况的循环水平。通过188体育平台论坛 卫生指导和全口龈上洁治术对22例合并牙周炎的RA患者治疗2个月后,用同样的方法评估循环水平的Carp和NETs。结果:合并牙周炎的RA患者的血清CarP和NETs水平显著高于对照组(P = 0.04、P <0.001)。在40例合并牙周炎的RA患者中,CarP和NETs的血清水平与牙周探测深度(P = 0.01、P = 0.007)和临床附着水平(P = 0.007、P =0.001)的平均值呈显著正相关。多因素Logistic回归分析也显示血清CarP和NETs水平与中、重度牙周炎显著正相关(P = 0.03、P = 0.001)。此外,牙周治疗显着降低RA合并牙周炎患者的血清Carp和NETs水平(P = 0.03、P = 0.02)。结论:Carp和NETs的循环水平与RA患者牙周炎的严重程度相关,RA患者的牙周炎治疗对Carp和NETs的循环水平有影响。
附原文:Abstract:Objectives:An interrelationship between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and periodontitis has been suggested due to their common pathogenic mechanisms.Protein carbamylation and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) formation have been shown to be related to autoimmune conditions,including RA, but their association with periodontitis has not been elucidated. Therefore we assessed whether or not circulating levels of carbamylated protein (CarP) and NETs are associated with periodontitis severity and influenced by periodontal treatment.Methods:We conducted a retrospective case-control study that included 40 patients with RA and periodontitis,30 patients with periodontitis, and 43 systemically and periodontally healthy controls to assess the circulating levels of CarP and NETs and rheumatologic and periodontal conditions. The same assessments were also performed in 22 patients with RA and periodontitis after 2 months of periodontal treatment, including oral hygiene instruction and fullmouth supragingival scaling.Results:Patients with RA and periodontitis showed significantly higher serum levels of CarP and NETs than the control group (P = 0.04 and P < 0.001, respectively). The serum levels of CarP and NETs were significantly correlated positively with the mean values of probing depth (P = 0.01 and P = 0.007, respectively) and clinical attachment level (P = 0.007 and P =0.001, respectively) in the 40 patients with RA and periodontitis. Multiple logistic regression analyses also revealedsignificantly positive associations between the serum levels of CarP and NETs and moderate to severe periodontitis (P = 0.03 and P = 0.001, respectively). Furthermore, periodontal treatment significantly decreased the serum levels of CarP and NETs in patients with RA and periodontitis (P = 0.03 and P = 0.02).Conclusion:The circulating levels of CarP and NETs are associated with periodontitis severity and influenced by periodontal treatment in patients with RA.
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