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Iscancerassociatedwithpolymyalgia rheumatica? Acohort studyin theGeneral PracticeResearchDatabase.
To investigate the incidence of newcancerdiagnoses in a community sample of patients withpolymyalgia rheumatica(PMR).
All incident cases of PMR in the UKGeneral PracticeResearchDatabase(GPRD) (1987-99), without pre-existingcanceror vascular disease and treated with corticosteroids (n=2877) were matched with up to five age, sex and GPpracticepatients without PMR (n=9942). Participants were followed up until firstcancerdiagnosis, death, transfer out of thedatabaseor end of available records.
The mean age of the sample was 71.6years (SD 9.0), 73% were female. Median follow-up time was 7.8years (IQR 3.4, 12.3). 667 (23.2%) people with a PMR diagnosis developedcancercompared with 1938 (19.5%) of those without PMR. There was an interaction between PMR status and time. In the first 6months after diagnosis, those with a PMR diagnosis were significantly more likely to receive acancerdiagnosis (adjusted HR (95% CI): 1.69 (1.18 to 2.42)). The number of events was small, but occurrences of prostate, blood, lymph nodes, female reproductive and nervous systemcancersmay be more common in those with PMR in the first 6months after PMR diagnosis.
An increase in the rate ofcancerdiagnoses was noted in the first 6months of observation, but we were unable to determine whether thecancerincidence in PMR was different from controls, beyond this time point. Clinicians should ensure they fully excludecanceras a cause of PMR-like symptoms and monitor patients for possible malignancies.
文献:Ann Rheum Dis.2014Oct;73(10):1769-73. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-203465. Epub 2013 Jul 10.
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