目的:本研究的目的是为探讨绝经前中国SLE患者25羟维生素D (25(OH)VitD)的表达水平及其与代谢综合征(MS)及其组分异常的关系。
结果: 25(OH)VitD缺乏(<20 ng/ml)及MS在绝经前中国SLE患者中普遍存在(分别为24.8% 和 30.1%)。25(OH)VitD、MS及其组分异常之间的相关分析显示:25(OH)VitD低表达与MS患病率增加有关(OR=0.920,p=0.012),与高密度脂蛋白水平降低相关(OR=1.059,p=0.033),与空腹血糖水平升高相关(OR=0.810,p=0.004)。这些相关性在调整年龄、体重指数及与SLE相关的变量后仍存在。
结论: 25(OH)VitD表达水平与绝经前系统性红斑狼疮患者的代谢综合征及其组分异常有关。
Abstract:Objective:This study aimed to investigate thestatus of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) and its association with metabolicsyndrome (MS) and different MS components among premenopausal women withsystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in China.
Patients and methods:Altogether 113 premenopausal women with SLEand the age-matched healthy cohorts wererecruited in this cross-sectional study.Clinical manifestations and laboratory data including serum 25(OH)Dconcentration were collected. A multivariable analysis was performed to analyzethe association of 25(OH)D with MS and its components.
Results:The prevalence of 25(OH)D deficiency (25(OH)D<20 ng/ml)and MS were common (24.8% and 30.1%,respectively) in premenopausal patientswith SLE in China. Analysis of the association between 25(OH)D, MS and itscomponents demonstrated that the lower level of 25(OH)D was associated with increasedMS prevalence (OR=0.920, p=0.012), a decreased level of high-densitylipoprotein (OR=1.059, p=0.033) and a higher level of fasting glucose(OR=0.810, p=0.004). These associations were still detectible after adjustmentfor age,body mass index and SLE-related variables.
Conclusion:The level of 25(OH)D is associated with MS and itscomponents in premenopausal women with SLE.
引自:Wang L M, Zheng Z H, Li T F, et al. 25-hydroxyvitamin D isassociated with metabolic syndrome among premenopausal women with systemiclupus erythematosus in China[J]. Lupus, 2017, 26(4): 403–409.
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