

作者:北医三院麻贞贞 来源:中国风湿病公众论坛 日期:2017-12-12


关键字:  系统性红斑狼疮 






        最终共纳入八项研究,SLE患者472例和健康对照组365例,结果显示,SLE患者端粒长度明显低于对照组(SMD = -0.835, 95%可信区间为1.291至-0.380,P=3.3X10-4)。按种族划分:高加索人群、亚洲人群和混合人群的SLE患者的端粒长度显著缩短(高加索人群的SMD =0.455, 95%可信区间为0.763 至-0.147,P= 0.004;亚洲人群的SMD =0.887, 95% 可信区间为1.261至-0.513,P= 3.4X10-4; 混合人群的SMD=0.535, 95% 可信区间为0.923至-0.147,P= 0.007).此外,SLE组在全血及外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)中的端粒长度均明显短于对照组(全血组SMD =0.361,95%可信区间为0.553 至-0.169,P= 2.3X10-4;PBMC 组SMD = 1.546, 95%可信区间为2.583至-0.510,P= 0.003)。在白细胞中也观察到了类似的趋势(SMD = 0.699,95%可信区间为1.511至-0.114,P= 0.092)。依据分析方法或数据类型的荟萃分析揭示了类似的关联。



        原 文


        Objective:We aimed to evaluate the relationship between telomere length and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

        Methods:PUBMED and EMBASE databases were searched; metaanalyses were performed comparing telomere length in SLE patients and healthy controls,and on SLE patients in subgroups based on ethnicity, sample type, assay method and data type.

        Results:Eight studies including 472 SLE patients and 365 controls were ultimatelyselected which showed that telomere length was significantly shorter in the SLE group than in the control group (standardized mean difference (SMD)=-0.835, 95% confidence interval(CI)=1.291 to -0.380, p=3.3X10-4). Stratification by ethnicity showed significantly shortened telomere length in the SLE group in Caucasian, Asian and mixed populations (SMD=0.455, 95% CI=0.763 to -0.147, p=0.004; SMD=0.887, 95% CI=1.261to-0.513, p=3.4X10-4; SMD=0.535, 95% CI=0.923 to-0.147, p=0.007; respectively). Furthermore, telomere length was significantly shorter in the SLE group than in the control group in whole blood and peripheral blood mononuclear cell groups (SMD=0.361, 95% CI=0.553 to-0.169, p=2.3X10-4; SMD=1.546, 95% CI=2.583 to-0.510, p=0.003; respectively); a similar trend was observed in leukocyte groups (SMD=0.699, 95% CI=1.511 to -0.114, p=0.092). Meta-analyses based on assay method or data type revealed similar associations.

        Conclusions:Our meta-analysis demonstrated that telomere length was significantly shorter in patients with SLE, regardless of ethnicity, sample type orassay method evaluated.

        引自:Lee Y H, Jung J H, Seo Y H, et al. Association between shortened telomere length and systemic lupus erythematosus : a meta-analysis [J] . Lupus, ( 2017 ) 26, 282 – 288






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