Assessing physician and patient acceptance of infliximab biosimilars in rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis across germany
John Waller.et al
Objectives:We examined rheumatologists’ motivation for prescribing biosimilars, assessedtheir treatment preferences in relation to prescribing behavior and explored patient attitudesto biosimilars.
Methods:Data were taken from the Adelphi Real World Biosimilars Programme, a real-world,cross-sectional study undertaken with German rheumatologists and patients with rheumatoidarthritis, ankylosing spondyloarthritis or psoriatic arthritis in 2015–2016. Rheumatologistsprovided data on their prescribing behavior and attitudes toward biosimilars and invited thenext eight eligible consecutive consulting patients to complete a questionnaire. Rheumatologistswere split into “investigative”, “conservative” and “other” groups.
Results:Overall, 50 rheumatologists and 261 patients participated. Biosimilars accountedfor ,10% of all biologic therapy prescriptions, and .95% of rheumatologists would prescribea biooriginator rather than biosimilar as the first- or second-line therapy if unrestricted. Patientsshowed some reluctance to accept biosimilars, and a small proportion of patients were unhappywhen switched from a biooriginator to a biosimilar. Satisfaction with treatment was highestin patients who started treatment with a biooriginator prior to biosimilar availability. Patientconcerns when starting treatment with a biooriginator or a biosimilar included not knowingenough about the drug (25%–41%), potential side effects (26%–32%) and potential long-termproblems (19%–30%).
Conclusion:Study results demonstrate that there is some reluctance from patients to acceptbiosimilars and the need to educate patients who are unsure to allow them to be involved indecision making, highlighting the importance of patient and physician communication. Thereremains a need for further research into nonclinical switching and the long-term impact ofprescribing biosimilars.
Patient Preference and Adherence 2017:11 519–530
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