

作者:深水静流 来源:慢阻肺手抄本 日期:2021-10-27


关键字:  慢阻肺 

        Effect of a Pulmonary Embolism Diagnostic Strategy on Clinical Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for COPD Exacerbation: A Randomized Clinical Trial

        David Jiménez, Alvar Agustí, Eva Tabernero, et al

        JAMA 2021 October 5, 326 (13): 1277-1285

        所想非所得 → RCT的重要性

        医疗并非多多益善 → 过度关注不一定改善总体健康水平

        Changes in lung function in European adults born between 1884 and 1996 and implications for the diagnosis of lung disease: a cross-sectional analysis of ten population-based studies

        James P Allinson, Shoaib Afzal, Yunus Çolak, et al

        Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2021 October 4

        普通的繁琐工作 → 有效的数据和档案 + brilliant idea → splendid study

        Accelerated decline in lung function inadults with a history of remitted childhood asthma

        Shinichiro Miura, Hiroshi Iwamoto, Keitaro Omori, et al

        European Respiratory Journal 2021 September 29


        The novel bronchodilator navafenterol: a phase 2a, multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial in COPD

        Dave Singh, Jutta Beier, Carol Astbury, et al

        European Respiratory Journal 2021 September 9


        Rothia mucilaginosa is an anti-inflammatory bacterium in the respiratory tract of patients with chronic lung disease

        Charlotte Rigauts, Juliana Aizawa, Steven Taylor, et al

        European Respiratory Journal 2021 September 29


        Activation of immune cell proteasomes in peripheral blood of smokers and COPD patients - implications for therapy

        Ilona E Kammerl, Sophie Hardy, Claudia Flexeder, et al

        European Respiratory Journal: 2021 September 24

        Use of Singing for Lung Health as an alternative training modality within pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD: an RCT

        Mette Kaasgaard, Daniel Bech Rasmussen, Karen Hjerrild Andreasson, et al

        European Respiratory Journal 2021 October 8


        Whole-body & muscle responses to aerobic exercise training and withdrawal in ageing & COPD

        Lorna E Latimer, Dumitru Constantin-Teodosiu, Bhavesh Popat, et al

        European Respiratory Journal 2021 September 29





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