

作者:深水静流 来源:慢阻肺手抄本 日期:2021-08-01


关键字:  慢阻肺 | 规范化 


        由ATS支持,由英国专家John Hurst组织、在2020年9月29-30日召开了线上讨论会,来自世卫组织、GOLD、GACD、IPCRG等组织以及多国的与会专家就以下问题展开激烈讨论,形成应对挑战的10条推荐意见并撰写报告,近期发表在Ann Am Thorac Soc上。

        问题1. 慢阻肺指南在LMICs的知晓和使用情况,哪些指南在现实世界中被使用?

        问题2. 在LMICs实施普遍的、以证据为基础的、由指南驱动的、具有成本效益的慢阻肺干预措施的障碍和促进因素是什么?


        Hurst JR, Buist AS, Gaga M, Gianella GE, Kirenga B, Khoo EM, Mendes RG, Mohan A, Mortimer K, Rylance S, Siddharthan T, Singh SJ, van Boven JFM, Williams S, Zhang J, Checkley W.

        Challenges in the Implementation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Guidelines in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report.

        Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2021;18(8):1269-1277.

        doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202103-284ST.





        Recommendation 1

        Relevant organizations, including societies, clinicians, and academics, should provide LMIC-specific COPD management guidance spanning from prevention, diagnosis, and management topalliative care. This should be codeveloped with primary healthcare teams and patients. The guidance should include an effective implementation plan that acknowledges clinician education and training, resource availability, and limitation in resources. Guidance should consider the diversity of conditions resulting in poorly reversible airflow obstruction that meet the criteria for COPD in LMIC settings.


        Recommendation 2

        Patient and professional organizations must persuade policy-makers of the importance of lung function testing programs in LMICs, including adequate provision of spirometry training. In the absence ofaccessible, high-quality spirometry, the use of micro-spirometry, PEF testing, and questionnaires that assess clinical history can support the diagnosis of COPD.


        Recommendation 3

        The origins of COPD may be in early life, and all clinicians, including those working in maternal and child health, therefore require education and training on basic prevention messages such that smoking in pregnancy is discouraged, premature births are reduced, and childhood respiratory infections are effectively diagnosed and treated.


        Recommendation 4

        Urgent action is required by governments in LMICs to apply successful tobacco control regulations from HICs and to test andextend such approaches to indoor and outdoor air pollution. New creative approaches to tobacco control should be developed and studied.


        Recommendation 5

        Guidance for COPD in LMICs should be set in the framework of universal health coverage and should be explicitly linked across WHO and national EMLs and the WHO Package of Essential NCD Interventionsfor Primary Health Care in Low-Resource Settings. Guidance should consider the availability, affordability, sustainability (incorporating environmental impact), and cost-effectiveness of medicines and their use and should include supporting patients to use inhalers correctly, which may require adjuncts such as spacers.


        Recommendation 6

        The pharmaceutical industry should work with national governments to make effective COPD and tobacco-dependence medicines globally accessible and affordable to everyone who needs them.


        Recommendation 7

        Implementation of locally adapted, cost-effective PR programs should be an international priority. This will require investment and workforce planning that consider staff training, awareness, referral, and novel approaches to delivery.


        Recommendation 8

        The WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs should specify how the relative reduction of premature mortality from CRD will be achieved and should also focus on morbidity. As interim targets, by 2030,

        • ≥50% of people with chronic respiratory symptoms should have access to appropriate assessments, including accurate and timely diagnosis;

        • ≥60% of those with CRD should have access to effectivenon pharmacological and pharmacological treatments; and

        • ≥70% of those treated for CRD should have well-controlled disease.





        Future targets should transition frommeasurement to monitoring improvement. LMICs are diverse, and in those settings where differentiation among COPD, asthma, and other CRDs is possible (and this must be the aim), specific targets should be developed for COPD.


        Recommendation 9

        Research funders should increase the proportion of funding allocated to COPD in LMICs to be commensurate with the burden of disease. Funders should convene a meeting with LMIC researchers and their collaborators to develop a respiratory research roadmap to ensure the best use of limited research funding.


        Recommendation 10

        The respiratory community should leverage the skills and enthusiasm of earlier-career clinicians and researchers and empower them through investment and global partnerships to take on the challenges of research and clinical care for COPD in LMICs.







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