

作者:佚名 来源:呼吸家 日期:2021-06-23

         国际权威的医学学术期刊American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine近日刊登了一篇关于肺超声监测极早产儿并预测支气管肺发育不良的多中心队列研究的文章《Lung Ultrasound to Monitor Extremely Preterm Infants and Predict Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. A Multicenter Longitudinal Cohort Study》。

        国际权威的医学学术期刊American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine近日刊登了一篇关于肺超声监测极早产儿并预测支气管肺发育不良的多中心队列研究的文章《Lung Ultrasound to Monitor Extremely Preterm Infants and Predict Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. A Multicenter Longitudinal Cohort Study》。







        ▶研究方法和主要措施:其中正逐渐进展成肺发育不良组(n = 72)或未进展成肺发育不良组(n = 75)支气管肺发育不良的肺超声评分在任何测试点都不相同(P < 0.001)。

        肺部超声评分与氧合指标和任何时间点的呼吸功显著相关(p< 0.0001)。

        胎龄调整后的肺部超声评分可成功预测出生后7天的支气管肺发育不良(ROC曲线下面积为0.826-0.833;P < 0.0001)和14天的支气管肺发育不良(ROC曲线下面积,0.834–0.858;P < 0.0001)。



        【1】Mayo PH, Copetti R, Feller-Kopman D, Mathis G, Maury E, Mongodi S, et al. Thoracic ultrasonography: a narrative review. Intensive Care Med 2019;45:1200–1211.

        【2】Copetti R, Cattarossi L, Macagno F, Violino M, Furlan R. Lung ultrasound in respiratory distress syndrome: a useful tool for early diagnosis. Neonatology 2008;94:52–59.

        【3】Raimondi F, Rodriguez Fanjul J, Aversa S, Chirico G, Yousef N, De Luca D, et al.; Lung Ultrasound in the Crashing Infant (LUCI) Protocol Study Group. Lung ultrasound for diagnosing pneumothorax in the critically ill neonate. J Pediatr 2016;175:74–78, e1.

        【4】Piastra M, Yousef N, Brat R, Manzoni P, Mokhtari M, De Luca D. Lung ultrasound findings in meconium aspiration syndrome. Early Hum Dev 2014;90:S41–S43.

        【5】Raimondi F, Yousef N, Rodriguez Fanjul J, De Luca D, Corsini I, Shankar-Aguilera S, et al. A multicenter lung ultrasound study on transient tachypnea of the neonate. Neonatology 2019;115:263–268.

        【6】Raimondi F, Migliaro F, Sodano A, Ferrara T, Lama S, Vallone G, et al. Use of neonatal chest ultrasound to predict noninvasive ventilation failure. Pediatrics 2014;134:e1089–e1094.




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