Predictors of adherence to treatment in bronchiectasis
Amanda R. McCullough1e, Michael M. Tunneye, J. Stuart Elborne, Judy M. Bradley2e, Carmel M. Hughes2e
1Present address: Centre for Research in Evidence-based Practice, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia.
2Joint senior authors.
We aimed to determine if beliefs about treatment, clinical factors and quality of life predicted adherence to treatment in patients with bronchiectasis.
We recruited participants with confirmed bronchiectasis to a one-year study. We calculated adherence to treatment using medication possession ratios and self-report. Baseline Beliefs about Medicines, clinical, demographic and Quality of Life Questionnaire-Bronchiectasis data were collected. We used logistic regression to determine predictors of adherence to treatment during the subsequent year.
Seventy-five participants were recruited. Beliefs about harm, age and total number of prescribed medications were predictors of adherence to inhaled antibiotics. Concerns about medication, age and Quality of Life Questionnaire-Bronchiectasis Treatment Burden were predictors of adherence to other respiratory medicines. Beliefs about necessity of airway clearance and age were predictors of adherence to airway clearance.
Beliefs about treatment, age, number of prescribed medications and perceived treatment burden predicted subsequent adherence in bronchiectasis, thereby, providing potential targets for future interventions in this population. Clinicians can use these data to identify patients with bronchiectasis who might be at risk of non-adherence i.e. those who are younger, have concerns about medications, who do not think airway clearance is necessary or who are prescribed numerous medications.
respiratory medicine
July 2015Volume 109, Issue 7, Pages 838–845
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rmed.2015.04.011 |
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