Perceived 10-year change in respiratory health: Reliability and predictive ability
Margaux Sancheze, Raphaëlle Varraso, Jean Bousquet, Françoise Clavel-Chapelon, Christophe Pison, Francine Kauffmann, Marc Humbert, Valérie Siroux
To investigate the usefulness of a self-reported respiratory health transition question over 10 years through reliability, ability to capture long-term asthma trajectory and predictive ability.
In two 20-year cohorts (Asthma-E3N, n = 16,371, 61–88 years; EGEA, n = 1254, 27–82 years), perceived 10-year change in respiratory health (“Overall, in the last 10 years, do you think that your bronchial or respiratory health has changed?” if yes: “Has it improved/deteriorated?”) was studied in relation with change in respiratory medication dispensation and lung function, with change in asthma status measured over the same period of time, and with subsequent asthma-related outcomes.
Perceived deterioration (14% in Asthma-E3N) was associated with increased dispensations of respiratory medications over time (from 17% with >2 dispensations in 2004 to 26% in 2010). Report of perceived deterioration (13% in EGEA) was related to a lung function decline steeper by 9.3 mL/year as compared to perceived improvement. In both cohorts, change (improvement or deterioration) was more often perceived by participants with than without asthma (>45% vs <20%) and was dominant among participants with persistent current asthma (77%). Perceived deterioration was related to poorer asthma control 7 years later and to higher use of oral corticosteroids in the following 18 months.
The proposed simple self-reported respiratory health transition question over 10 years allows predicting part of the long-term trajectory of asthma.
respiratory medicine
February 2015Volume 109, Issue 2, Pages 188–199
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rmed.2014.11.010 |
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