经过几十年的研究,目前已明确患有非神经系统肿瘤的病人在患病过程及其治疗过程中,肿瘤相关认知障碍(CRCI)是非常常见的。2015年3月发表于《临床医生癌症杂志》(CA-A cancer journal for clinicians)对成人非神经系统肿瘤相关认知障碍的发病机制、临床特点及治疗方案进行了综述。
经过几十年的研究,目前已明确患有非神经系统肿瘤的病人在患病过程及其治疗过程中,肿瘤相关认知障碍(CRCI)是非常常见的。2015年3月发表于《临床医生癌症杂志》(CA-A cancer journal for clinicians)对成人非神经系统肿瘤相关认知障碍的发病机制、临床特点及治疗方案进行了综述。
参考文献:Wefel, Jeffrey S. et al. CA-A cancer journal for clinicians. 2015;65(2):123-138
英文链接:Clinical characteristics, pathophysiology, and management of noncentral nervous system cancer-related cognitive impairment in adults.
Over the past few decades, a bodyofresearch has emerged confirming what many adult patients withnoncentralnervoussystemcancerhave long reportedthatcancerand its treatment are frequently associated withcancer-relatedcognitiveimpairment(CRCI). The severityofCRCI varies, and symptoms can emerge early or lateinthe disease course. Nonetheless, CRCI is typically mild to moderateinnature and primarily involves the domainsofmemory, attention, executive functioning, and processing speed. Animal models and novel neuroimaging techniques have begun to unravel the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying CRCI, including the roleofinflammatory cascades, direct neurotoxic effects, damage to progenitor cells, white matter abnormalities, and reduced functional connectivity, among others. Given the paucityofresearch on CRCI with othercancerpopulations, this review synthesizes the current literature with a deliberate focus on CRCI within the contextofbreastcancer. A hypothetical case-study approach is used to illustrate how CRCI often presents clinically and how current science can inform practice. While the literature regarding intervention for CRCI is nascent, behavioral and pharmacologic approaches are discussed.
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