

作者:组委会 来源:金宝搏网站登录技巧 日期:2017-09-25




























        Lihong V. Wang (California Institute of Technology, USA)

        Valery V. Tuchin(Saratov State University, Russia)



        Juergen Popp (Friedrich Schiller University Jena,Germany)


        Alexander V. Priezzhev (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)

        Avraham Mayevsky (Bar Ilan University, Israel)

        Congwu Du (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)

        Da Xing (South China Normal University, China)

        Dan Zhu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

        Dennis L Matthews (University of California/Davis, USA)

        Dongping Zhong (The Ohio State University, USA)

        Frank Y. S. Chuang (University of California, Davis, USA)

        Fu-Jen Kao (National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan, China)

        Gang Zheng (University of Toronto, Canada)

        Haishan Zeng (BC Cancer Research Centre, Canada)

        Hideaki Koizumi (Hitachi, Ltd., Japan)

        Junle Qu (Shenzhen University, China)

        Pengcheng Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

        Ruikang K. Wang (University of Washington, USA)

        Shaoqun Zeng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

        Shoko Nioka (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

        Stephen P Morgan (University of Nottingham, UK)

        Steven L. Jacques (Oregon Health & Science University, USA)

        Wei R. Chen (University of Central Oklahoma, USA)

        Weiping Han (Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore)

        Xingde Li (Johns Hopkins University, USA)

        Xunbin Wei (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)

        Yingtian Pan (State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA)

        Zhihua Ding (Zhejiang University, China)

        Zhihong Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

        Zhiwei Huang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

        Zuhong Lu (Southeast University, China)


        Prof. Dennis Matthews (University of California, Davis, USA)

        Prof. Jürgen Popp (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany)

        Prof. Katarina Svanberg (Lund University, Sweden)

        Prof. Lihong V. Wang (California Institute of Technology, USA)

        Prof. Qingming Luo (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

        Prof. Sune Svanberg (Lund University, Sweden)

        Prof. Zhongze Gu (Southeast University, China)--Organ on a chip

        Prof. Buhong Li (Fujian Normal University, China)

        Prof. Changfeng Wu (Southern University of Science and Technology, China)

        Prof. Dong Li (Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)--Imaging the intracellular organelles contacts at high spatiotemporal resolution

        Dr. Frank Y. S. Chuang (University of California, Davis, USA)

        Prof. Jianxin Chen (Fujian Normal University, China)

        Prof. Junle Qu (Shenzhen University, China)

        Prof. Kai Wang (Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)--Fast volume imaging of neural activities in larval zebrafish brain

        Prof. Kebin Shi (Peking University, China)

        Prof. Liang Song (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

        Prof. Liangyi Chen (Peking University, China)

        Prof. Matjaz Humar (Stefan Institute, Slovenia)--Biological microlasers inside cells and tissues

        Prof. Minbiao Ji (Fudan University, China)

        Dr. Oxana (Saratov State University, Russia)--Laser-induced direct generation of singlet oxygen: new strategies in the treatment of brain tumor

        Prof. Peng Xi (Peking University, China)

        Prof. Puxiang Lai (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)

        Prof. Shih-Chi Chen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)

        Prof. Sihua Yang (South China Normal University, China)

        Prof. Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy (Shenzhen University, China)

        Prof. Weiping Han (Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore)

        Prof. Xunbin Wei (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)




        ØAnalytical Biophotonics

        ØTranslational Biophotonics


        PIBM是OSA Topical Meeting,作者需登陆OSA投稿网站提交英文Summary。




        35-word Abstract:The 35-word abstract should be a brief summary of the work. If the submission is accepted for presentation, this 35-word abstract will be included in the Conferece Technical Program Book.

        3-page Summary:Within the page limit, the author must include all text, the 35-word abstract, title, authors, equations, tables, photographs, drawings, figures, and references. The text may be typed either single-spaced or double-spaced. Refrain from use of asterisk, job descriptions or footnotes.

        Page Format:8.5 inch x 11 inch page and with 1-inch margins on all sides.



        被大会录用的文章择优推荐在以下会议合作期刊和OSA's Digital Library发表。


        Light: Science & Applications(SCI)

        Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences(SCI, EI)




        OSA会议文集(SCI, EI)



        中国光学工程学会:李瑾,lijin@csoe.org.cn, 022-58168516

        华中科技大学:施华,pibm@mail.hust.edu.cn, 027-87793065


        中国光学工程学会:蔡方方,cai_ff@csoe.org.cn, 022-58168541

        华中科技大学:王珍,jiohs@mail.hust.edu.cn, 027-87793063




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