


作者:刘爽 编译 来源: 日期:2016-04-30

关键字: PDCA程序 | | 水胶体敷料 | | 机械通气 | | 患儿 | | 面部

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine:
May 2014 - Volume 15 - Issue 4_suppl - p 208
ABSTRACT 941: a PDCA Program To Improve The Hydrocolloid Dressing Protecting Pediatric Patients’ Facial Region Associated With Mechanical Ventilation
Liu, Z.; Lu, H.U.A.
Background and aims: The hydrocolloid dressing had been applied in fixing the trachea cannula, aiming to protect pediatric patients’ facial region. There were not any criteria and procedure and there was still high frequency of children’s facial problems.
Aims: To improve the hydrocolloid dressing protecting pediatric patients’ facial region associated with mechanical ventilation via a PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) program basing on the methodology for continuous improvement cycle.
Methods: The charge nurse of PICU decided to develop a program to decrease the variability of hydrocolloid dressing applying. The program was based on the methodology PDCA and followed 5 phases including preparation, processing, dissemination, evaluation and updating. The facial region problems associated with mechanical ventilation were statistically analyzed and was compared with the historical data.
Results: ? Via PDCA program among the pediatric patients who got mechanical ventilation(including invasive and noninvasive), the frequency of facial region’s problem dropped from 59% to 21%. The program improved the effectiveness of hydrocolloid dressing protecting protocol(P<0.05).? The criteria and standard procedure of applying hydrocolloid dressing in fixing trachea cannula and nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) have been created.?Assessment record sheet which was created during the program did good to nursing care as a tool.
Conclusions: PDCA methodologies can have significant effects on improving the hydrocolloid dressing protecting facial region of the pediatric patients who get mechanical ventilation.




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