Preventative effect of ondansetron on postanesthesia shivering in children undergoing caudal anesthesia: a randomized double-blinded clinical trial
Hongfei Lin, Jiangmei Wang, Ziying Jin, Yaoqin Hu Wenfang Huang
Pediatric Research
Ondansetron has been shown to decrease postanesthesia shivering in adults, but this effect has never been studied in children. This study aimed to determine whether ondansetron decreases postanesthesia shivering in children undergoing caudal anesthesia.
Fifty-nine 8- to 13-y-old children undergoing both intravenous and caudal anesthesia were included. As soon as anesthetization and caudal block were complete, children were given intravenous injections of 4 mg ondansetron or an equal volume of normal saline. Heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation (SpO2), and body temperature were recorded just before application of general anesthesia to children and immediately upon entry into the recovery room after awakening from anesthesia. The shivering score was assessed, using a 4-point scale of severity, immediately upon entry into the recovery room after awakening from anesthesia, 15 min after entry into the recovery room, and 30 min after entry into the recovery room.
Treatment with ondansetron was associated with decreased odds of postanesthesia shivering symptoms compared to the control group. There was also a significant decrease in shivering score with time after anesthesia.
Ondansetron decreases postanesthesia shivering in children receiving caudal block after intravenous anesthesia.
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