Pediatric Critical Care Medicine:
May 2014 - Volume 15 - Issue 4_suppl - p 219–220
Epidemiological Surveillance Through The CDC/ National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) In a University Affiliated Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Fernandes, I.C.; Fernandes, J.C.; Ventura, A.; Góes, P.F.; Casseratti, V.C.; Silveira, I.R.
Background and aims: Nosocomial infections remain an important cause of morbi-mortality in ICU patients. It`s well describe that the systematic surveillance of nosocomial infection rates can reduce their incidence.
Aims: Our goal was to describe the rates of nosocomial infection using the NHSN as an infection surveillance system tool.
Methods: IRB approved the study, but waived the requirement to obtain informed consent. During the period of 01/2008–12/2012 we applied a nosocomial infection surveillance program (NHSN) in all patients. On a daily basis we collected data related to the number of patients, central venous catheters (CVC), urinary tract catheters (UTC) and invasive mechanical ventilators. The cases of health-care associated infection (HAIs) were reported and the sites of infections were defined: ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), catheter-related blood stream infection (BSI) and UTC-related urinary tract infection (UTI).
Results: During the study period 1845 patients were admitted. The total infection incidence density were 28.5 in 2008, 35.0 in 2009, 24.8 in 2010, 23 in 2011 and 27.7 infections per 100 patients in 2012.The VAP incidence was 16.5, 21.4, 12.9, 21 and 15 infections per 100 patients from 2008-2012 respectively. The UTI incidence was 6.1; 7.5; 10.8, 30.6 and 34.5 infections per 100 patients in 2008-2012 respectively. The BSI incidence was 0, 0, 0, 1, and 1.9 in 2008-2012 respectively.
Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that UTI presented the highest incidence followed by VAP. Rates of VAP were higher compared to those reported with a tendency to decrease along the years. Rates of BSI were similar as those reported and rates of UTI were higher than those reported.
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