Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorders With and Without Epilepsy
Clinical Implications
K. S. Shubrata, S. Sinha,S. P. Seshadri, S. Girimaji
This prospective cross-sectional study compared 25 children with pervasive developmental disorder and epilepsy and 25 children having pervasive developmental disorder without epilepsy on pervasive developmental disorder scores, Childhood Autism Rating Scale scores, language disability, presence of regression, and epileptiform abnormalities. Epilepsy phenotype was also studied. Children with pervasive developmental disorder and epilepsy had higher pervasive developmental disorder scores (P = .001), higher Childhood Autism Rating Scale scores (P = .016), and lower social quotient (P = .09). More than 50% of children with pervasive developmental disorder and epilepsy and 12% of children having pervasive developmental disorder without epilepsy had epileptiform abnormalities in electroencephalography (EEG). Regression of milestones was significantly associated with epilepsy and epileptiform abnormalities. Children with pervasive developmental disorder and epilepsy might have a worse developmental trajectory requiring intensive management. A behavioral phenotype of autism may coexist often in children with epilepsy, EEG abnormalities, and regression. Seizures might be difficult to control in these children despite adequate compliance. Studies with larger sample size and longitudinal follow-up will provide better understanding.
J Child Neurol March 2015vol. 30 no. 4 476-482
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