

作者:文航 译 来源:中国医学论坛报 日期:2006-01-12

          在轻到中度肾功能不全(血清肌酸酐水平≤3.0 mg/dl)患者中,血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂有肾脏保护作用。我们在无188bet在线平台网址 的晚期肾功能不全患者中,评价了贝那普利的有效性和安全性。

 Fan Fan Hou, M.D., Ph.D.(侯凡凡),等    中国广州南方医科大学南方医院肾脏科


  背景 在轻到中度肾功能不全(血清肌酸酐水平≤3.0 mg/dl)患者中,血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂有肾脏保护作用。我们在无188bet在线平台网址 的晚期肾功能不全患者中,评价了贝那普利有效性安全性

  方法 我们在1项随机、双盲研究中纳入422例患者。8周入组期后,104例血清肌酸酐水平为1.5~3.0 mg/dl的患者(第1组)接受20 mg/天贝那普利治疗,同时,224例血清肌酸酐水平为3.1~5.0 mg/dl的患者(第2组)被随机分配接受20 mg/天贝那普利(112例患者)或安慰剂(112例患者)治疗,随后平均随访3.4年。所有患者均接受常规抗高血压治疗。主要转归是由血清肌酸酐水平增加1倍、终末期肾病或死亡组成的复合转归。次要终点包括蛋白尿水平和肾病进展率的改变。

  结果 在第1组的102例患者中,22例(22%)达到主要终点,与之相比,第2组中接受贝那普利的108例患者中为44例(41%),第2组中接受安慰剂的107例患者中为65例(60%)。与安慰剂相比,贝那普利与第2组的主要终点危险降低43%相关(P=0.005)。此益处似乎并非缘于对血压的控制。贝那普利治疗与蛋白尿水平降低52%和肾功能下降率降低23%相关。第2组的贝那普利亚组和安慰剂亚组中,主要不良事件的总体发生率相似。

  结论 在无188bet在线平台网址 的晚期肾功能不全患者中,贝那普利有显著的肾脏益处。

  BACKGROUND Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors provide renal protection in patients with mild-to-moderate renal insufficiency (serum creatinine level, 3.0 mg per deciliter or less). We assessed the efficacy and safety of benazepril in patients without diabetes who had advanced renal insufficiency.

  METHODS We enrolled 422 patients in a randomized, double-blind study. After an eight-week run-in period, 104 patients with serum creatinine levels of 1.5 to 3.0 mg per deciliter (group 1) received 20 mg of benazepril per day, whereas 224 patients with serum creatinine levels of 3.1 to 5.0 mg per deciliter (group 2) were randomly assigned to receive 20 mg of benazepril per day (112 patients) or placebo (112 patients) and then followed for a mean of 3.4 years. All patients received conventional antihypertensive therapy. The primary outcome was the composite of a doubling of the serum creatinine level, end-stage renal disease, or death. Secondary end points included changes in the level of proteinuria and the rate of progression of renal disease.

  RESULTS Of 102 patients in group 1, 22 (22 percent) reached the primary end point, as compared with 44 of 108 patients given benazepril in group 2 (41 percent) and 65 of 107 patients given placebo in group 2 (60 percent). As compared with placebo, benazepril was associated with a 43 percent reduction in the risk of the primary end point in group 2 (P=0.005). This benefit did not appear to be attributable to blood-pressure control. Benazepril therapy was associated with a 52 percent reduction in the level of proteinuria and a reduction of 23 percent in the rate of decline in renal function. The overall incidence of major adverse events in the benazepril and placebo subgroups of group 2 was similar.

  CONCLUSIONS Benazepril conferred substantial renal benefits in patients without diabetes who had advanced renal insufficiency.(N Engl J Med 2006;354: 131-40. January 12, 2006)   inserted image


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