许多病毒的DNA是双链结构:它由两条彼此环绕的线型结构组成,像两条缆线环绕在一起一样。迄今为止,人们一直认为cGAS只能识别这样的双链DNA。相比之下, HIV-1逆转录病毒的遗传物质由RNA组成。RNA与DNA密切相关,然而RNA是单链结构。如果在人类细胞中逆转录病毒不断复制那么RNA就会转录成DNA,但这仍然是单链结构。同样一个巨大的发现是cGAS也可被 HIV-1病毒激活。
“发夹结构可以在HIV-1中形成,但实际上因为它太短了而不能被cGAS检测到。”Martin Schlee博士说,工作组已经阐释了为什么它仍然起作用:除了较短的双链外,cGAS还能检测到特殊的非螺旋单链结构,称为鸟嘌呤核苷酸。因此,细胞反应更加明显。“如果我们把鸟苷酸从这些结构中去除,那么细胞不再对单链DNA做出反应。” Anna-Maria Herzner解释道。“相比之下,如果我们添加额外的鸟嘌呤核苷,细胞反应会更强烈。”
有趣的是,DNA在HIV-1感染时尤其是缺乏鸟苷酸时会得以发展。“HIV-1病毒似乎已经被免疫系统在它们的DNA中去除了鸟苷酸。”Gunther Hartmann教授说,“因此其中部分可以避免被细胞发现。”
Sequence-specific activation of the DNA sensor cGAS by Y-form DNA structures as found in primary HIV-1 cDNA
Anna-Maria Herzner, Cristina Amparo Hagmann, Marion Goldeck, Steven Wolter, Kirsten Kübler, Sabine Wittmann, Thomas Gramberg, Liudmila Andreeva, Karl-Peter Hopfner, Christina Mertens, Thomas Zillinger, Tengchuan Jin, Tsan Sam Xiao, Eva Bartok, Christoph Coch, Damian Ackermann, Veit Hornung, Janos Ludwig, Winfried Barchet, Gunther Hartmann &Martin Schlee
Cytosolic DNA that emerges during infection with a retrovirus or DNA virus triggers antiviral type I interferon responses. So far, only double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) over 40 base pairs (bp) in length has been considered immunostimulatory. Here we found that unpaired DNA nucleotides flanking short base-paired DNA stretches, as in stem-loop structures of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) derived from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), activated the type I interferon–inducing DNA sensor cGAS in a sequence-dependent manner. DNA structures containing unpaired guanosines flanking short (12- to 20-bp) dsDNA (Y-form DNA) were highly stimulatory and specifically enhanced the enzymatic activity of cGAS. Furthermore, we found that primary HIV-1 reverse transcripts represented the predominant viral cytosolic DNA species during early infection of macrophages and that these ssDNAs were highly immunostimulatory. Collectively, our study identifies unpaired guanosines in Y-form DNA as a highly active, minimal cGAS recognition motif that enables detection of HIV-1 ssDNA.
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