6月22日《科学》杂志的《政策论坛》栏目中,Rappuoli 和Dormitzer提出了针对流感大流行的3项短期策略及1项较长期的策略,这些策略可帮助世界准备应对某次流感的大流行。其它的策略涉及帮助制造商制备大量定制的针对某种大流行病毒株的疫苗,及帮助他们快速地制备疫苗。
6月22日《科学》杂志的《政策论坛》栏目中,Rino Rappuoli 和 Philip Dormitzer提出了针对流感大流行的3项短期策略及1项较长期的策略,这些策略可帮助世界准备应对某次流感的大流行。
Article : "Influenza: Options to Improve Pandemic Preparation," by R. Rappuoli at Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics in Siena, Italy; P.R. Dormitzer at Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics in Cambridge, MA. Science 22 June 2012: Vol. 336 no. 6088 pp. 1531-1533 DOI: 10.1126/science.1221466
Science and society have been struggling to find a way to protect humankind from recurring epidemics and pandemics of influenza. Here, we review the options available in the short term and also briefly address the solutions that research may make available in the long term.
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