
2017 第11届生物信息与生物医学工程国际学术会议(iCBBE 2017)

作者:组委会 来源:医脉通 日期:2017-01-19

         2017 第11届生物信息与生物医学工程国际学术会议(iCBBE 2017)

关键字:  生物 | 医学 


        ★★2017 第11届生物信息与生物医学工程国际学术会议(iCBBE 2017)★★

        ★时间:2017年5月21-23日 ★地点: 中国-杭州



        大会主要征稿范围-生物信息与生物医学工程相关文章, 具体信息,请见:

        Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

        Protein Structure, Function and Sequence Analysis

        Protein Interactions, Docking and Function

        Computational Proteomics

        DNA and RNA Structure, Function and Sequence Analysis

        Gene Regulation, Expression, Identification and Network

        Structural, Functional and Comparative Genomics

        Computational Evolutionary Biology

        Data Acquisition, Normalization, Analysis and Visualization

        Algorithms, Models, Software, and Tools in Bioinformatics

        Any Novel Approaches to Bioinformatics Problems

        Biomedical Engineering

        Biomedical Imaging, Image Processing & Visualization

        Bioelectrical and Neural Engineering

        Biomaterials and Biomedical Optics

        Methods and Biology Effects of NMR/CT/ECG Technology

        Biomedical Devices, Sensors, and Artificial Organs

        Biochemical, Cellular, Molecular and Tissue Engineering

        Biomedical Robotics and Mechanics

        Rehabilitation Engineering and Clinical Engineering

        Health Monitoring Systems and Wearable System

        Bio-signal Processing and Analysis

        Biometric and Bio-measurement

        Other Topics Related to Biomedical Engineering

        Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy

        Defining Tumor Antigens and Immunogenicity

        Vaccine-based Immunotherapy

        Immune Checkpoint Blockade

        Antibody Therapy

        Adoptive T Cell Therapy

        Gut Microbiota, Immunity and Cancer

        Inflammation, Tumor Microenvironment and Immune Escape

        New Approaches to Cancer Immunotherapy

        Ethnopharmacology and Its Development

        Medicinal Plant Conservation,Protection and Sustainable Utilization of Medicinal Resources

        Clinical Efficacy, Pharmacological Activity and Safety of Traditional Medicine

        Study on the System of Traditional Medicine

        New Research and Development on Herbal Medicine

        Data Mining and Network Pharmacology


        邮箱投稿: pr_engii@163.com


        All the accepted papers will be published by "Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering" (ISSN: 1937-6871), a peer-reviewed open access journal that can ensure the widest dissemination of your published work. For more information, please visit:http://www.scirp.org/journal/JBISE/.

        You’re welcome to submit abstracts for presentation. The abstracts are only used for an oral presentation and will be released in the conference program guide.





        ★★Contact: 王老师 (会议负责人)


        Tel: +86 132 6470 2230

        QQ: 3025797047





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