一篇刊登在国际杂志the International Journal of Obesity上的研究论文中,来自宾州州立大学医学院的研究者通过研究表示,对于重度吸烟者或肥胖的吸烟者,戒烟后其体重或许会增加更加厉害。本文研究对于关心体重增加的适度吸烟的个体也非常重要,这意味着从长远角度而言,戒烟或许并不会对这些个体带来明显的影响。
一篇刊登在国际杂志the International Journal of Obesity上的研究论文中,来自宾州州立大学医学院的研究者通过研究表示,对于重度吸烟者或肥胖的吸烟者,戒烟后其体重或许会增加更加厉害。
研究者表示,戒烟个体通常体重会不断增加,但体重增加的量依赖于个体的情况,从几磅到超过25磅不等;然而个体戒烟后影响其体重增加的因素目前研究人员并不清楚;研究者Susan Veldheer表示,很多吸烟者都关心戒烟后体重的增加问题,因此这个问题往往也成为其选择是否戒烟的一道屏障,因此当个体戒烟后鉴别出引发戒烟者体重增加的原因对于有效改善患者的戒烟情况或将带来一定帮助。
Ten-year weight gain in smokers who quit, smokers who continued smoking and never smokers in the United States, NHANES 2003–2012
S Veldheer, J Yingst, J Zhu and J Foulds
Background/Objectives: Weight gain after quitting smoking is a common concern for smokers and can discourage quit attempts. The purpose of this analysis was to describe the long-term weight gain, smoking cessation attributable (SCA) weight gain and describe their relationship to cigarette consumption and body mass index (BMI) 10 years ago in a contemporary, nationally representative sample of smokers who continued to smoke and those who quit. Subjects/Methods: In all, 12 204 adults greater than or equal to36 years old were selected from the 2003–2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Ten-year weight gain for never, continuing and former smokers (who quit 1–10 years ago) was calculated by body mass index (BMI) 10 years ago and cigarettes per day (CPD). SCA weight gain was calculated by taking the difference between the adjusted mean 10-year weight gain of former smokers and that of continuing smokers. Results: Mean 10-year weight gain among continuing smokers was 3.5 versus 8.4 kg among former smokers; the SCA weight gain was 4.9 kg. After Bonferroni correction, there was no significant difference in overall weight gain between continuing and former smokers of 1–14 CPD, and SCA weight gain was lowest in this group (2.0 kg, confidence interval (CI): 0.3, 3.7). SCA weight gain was highest for former smokers of greater than or equal to25 CPD (10.3 kg, CI: 7.4, 13.2) and for those who were obese (7.1 kg, CI: 2.9, 11.3) mostly because of lower than average weight gain or weight loss among continuing smokers in these groups. Conclusions: In a current, nationally representative sample, baseline BMI and CPD were important factors that contributed to the magnitude of long-term weight gain following smoking cessation. Light to moderate smokers (<15 CPD) experienced little SCA weight gain, whereas heavy smokers (greater than or equal to25 CPD) and those who were obese before quitting experienced the most.
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