James Betts博士解释说:“尽管很多人提供众多意见有关是否应该吃早餐,到目前为止还是缺乏严格的科学证据显示早餐是否会导致我们健康的变化。我们的研究强调其中的一些影响,但早餐的重要性还是取决于个体和他们的个人目标。”
类似先前对较瘦人群组研究,为了进行肥胖试验研究人员把21- 60岁的个人分为两组“禁食”组和“吃早餐”组,在六周的时间内测量出大量结果。
在新的研究中,Chowdhury Enhad博士补充说:“并不是所有人都以同样的方式吃早餐,而且不是所有的早餐都一样。和含糖谷类食品相比,高蛋白早餐对个体的作用可能会完全不同。”
doi: 10.3945/ajcn.115.122044
The causal role of breakfast in energy balance and health: a randomized controlled trial in obese adults1,2
Enhad A Chowdhury3, Judith D Richardson3, Geoffrey D Holman4, Kostas Tsintzas5, Dylan Thompson3, and James A Betts3,*
Background: The causal nature of associations between breakfast and health remain unclear in obese individuals. Objective: We sought to conduct a randomized controlled trial to examine causal links between breakfast habits and components of energy balance in free-living obese humans. Design: The Bath Breakfast Project is a randomized controlled trial with repeated measures at baseline and follow-up among a cohort in South West England aged 21–60 y with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry–derived fat mass indexes of ≥13 kg/m2 for women (n = 15) and ≥9 kg/m2 for men (n = 8). Components of energy balance (resting metabolic rate, physical activity thermogenesis, diet-induced thermogenesis, and energy intake) were measured under free-living conditions with random allocation to daily breakfast (≥700 kcal before 1100) or extended fasting (0 kcal until 1200) for 6 wk, with baseline and follow-up measures of health markers (e.g., hematology/adipose biopsies). Results: Breakfast resulted in greater physical activity thermogenesis during the morning than when fasting during that period (difference: 188 kcal/d; 95% CI: 40, 335) but without any consistent effect on 24-h physical activity thermogenesis (difference: 272 kcal/d; 95% CI: 254, 798). Energy intake was not significantly greater with breakfast than fasting (difference: 338 kcal/d; 95% CI: 313, 988). Body mass increased across both groups over time but with no treatment effects on body composition or any change in resting metabolic rate (stable within 8 kcal/d). Metabolic/cardiovascular health also did not respond to treatments, except for a reduced insulinemic response to an oral-glucose-tolerance test over time with daily breakfast relative to an increase with daily fasting (P = 0.05).
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