近日,来自国外的研究人员在国际杂志The BMJ上刊文称,粪便移植在治疗严重感染的使用越来越成为患者的疗法选择,但随着使用的增加以及捐助者筛查范围的扩大,进行良好的长期试验及监测也非常必要,目的在于为病人提供最为合理的选择和建议。
近日,来自国外的研究人员在国际杂志The BMJ上刊文称,粪便移植在治疗严重感染的使用越来越成为患者的疗法选择,但随着使用的增加以及捐助者筛查范围的扩大,进行良好的长期试验及监测也非常必要,目的在于为病人提供最为合理的选择和建议。
研究者Tim Spector指出,截止到目前位置,有超过7000名接受粪便移植的患者并没有不良的副作用报道,尽管这是早先的数据,而且粪便移植在成年患者或免疫系统受损的患者机体中都表现相对安全;如今在美国有超过500个提供粪便移植的中心,在波士顿大多数移植都配备有实验室进行,而且粪便移植用于治疗难辨梭状芽胞杆菌的感染已经得到了美国胃肠病学学会和欧洲微生物学和传染病学会的谨慎认可。
相比抗生素治疗而言,粪便移植具有较高的成功率,而且粪便移植的使用目前也应用于其它疾病中,比如肥胖、 、肠易激综合征等,当然研究者还指出,由于存在明显的感染风险,长期以来将粪便微生物移植入一个新的宿主也存在潜在的风险,这就包括增加对肥胖的易感性甚至是心理疾病等,这些潜在的风险就表明,粪便移植尽管作为一种新型工具,其也应当被进行仔细监测,同时也应当尽可能地提纯出真正的有益细菌。
Faecal transplants Still need good long term trials and monitoring
Tim Spector, professor1, Rob Knight, professor2
Recurrent Clostridium difficile infection is a severe and often fatal condition, affecting up to 3000 people in the United Kingdom and 100 000 in the United States, where it kills an estimated 14 000 a year.1 About a quarter of patients experience a recurrence after an initial mild infection because treatment with antibiotics destroys the diversity of the normal gut microbes and allows C difficile to flourish. The standard of care is antibiotics such as vancomycin and metronidazole, with or without bowel lavage or probiotics. However, a meta-analysis that included two randomised controlled trials and multiple case series covering 516 patients found an 85% success rate with a new non-drug treatment compared with only 20% success for vancomycin.2 That treatment is called faecal microbial transplantation, whereby the liquidised stool (or its cryopreserved microbial content) of a healthy donor is introduced to the colon of the patient through a nasogastric tube or the rectum. A third recent randomised trial was stopped early because of the overwhelming superiority of faecal transplantation, with 90% success rate compared with 26% for vancomycin.3 So far, such transplants seem relatively safe in immunocompromised and elderly patients.4 5 Although faecal transplants are being used in people with the whole spectrum of C difficile infection, insufficient data exist on their effect in early or very resistant infections, and there are few comparisons between the many different inoculation methods and routes, including the recent cryopreserving of donor microbes in acid resistant oral capsules.6
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