
Diabetes Care:高血糖知晓情况是否会引起营养摄入量差异?

作者:晓兰 编译 来源:金宝搏网站登录技巧 日期:2014-12-10

         为探讨188bet在线平台网址 和188bet在线平台网址 前期人群知晓高血糖状况是否会引起营养素的摄入量的差异。研究者分析了来自2005–2011年国家健康与营养调查研究中的3725名非妊娠188bet在线平台网址 或188bet在线平台网址 前期的相关数据。研究表明,血糖筛查和之后的血糖状况知晓可能影响188bet在线平台网址 患者的饮食模式。本研究发表于最新一期《188bet在线平台网址 治疗》上(Diabetes CareDecember 2014 vol. 37 no. 12 3143-3149)

关键字:  高血糖 | 知晓 |  | 营养 | 摄入量 | 差异 

        为探讨188bet在线平台网址 和188bet在线平台网址 前期人群知晓高血糖状况是否会引起营养素的摄入量差异。研究者分析了来自2005–2011年国家健康与营养调查研究中的3725名非妊娠188bet在线平台网址 或188bet在线平台网址 前期的相关数据。研究表明,血糖筛查和之后的血糖状况知晓可能影响188bet在线平台网址 患者的饮食模式。本研究发表于最新一期《188bet在线平台网址 治疗》上(DiabetesCareDecember2014vol.37no.123143-3149)。

        研究者分析了来自2005–2011年国家健康与营养调查研究中的3725名非妊娠188bet在线平台网址 或188bet在线平台网址 前期的成人(年龄大于等于20岁)的早晨空腹样本,采用了了他们的24小时膳食回顾和其他数据。188bet在线平台网址 和188bet在线平台网址 前期的治疗情况采用患者自报的形式,没有确诊188bet在线平台网址 和188bet在线平台网址 前期的患者以如下指标确认:分别为空腹血糖(FPG)≥126mg/dL或HbA1c≥6.5%且FPG在100–125mg/dL之间或HbA1c在5.7%–6.4%之间。每日的营养摄入量组分评估包括总热量、糖分、碳水化合物、纤维素、蛋白质、脂肪和总胆固醇,按性别和和血糖状况知晓状况进行分级。营养摄入量的估计调整了年龄、种族、教育程度、体重指数、吸烟状况和188bet在线平台网址 家族史等因素。

        与未确诊188bet在线平台网址 男性相比,诊断188bet在线平台网址 男性消耗更少的糖(平均值86.8vs.116.8g)和碳水化合物(平均值235.0vs.262.1g)和更多的蛋白质(平均值67.4vs.56.6g)。同样,与未确诊188bet在线平台网址 女性相比,诊断188bet在线平台网址 女性消耗更少的糖(平均值79.1vs.95.7g)和更多的蛋白质(平均值67.4vs.56.6g)。但是188bet在线平台网址 前期的意识与否与营养素的摄入量没有显著性差异。所有的参与者,不论性别或血糖状态,消耗的平均纤维素摄入量小于美国188bet在线平台网址 协会的建议(即,14g/1,000kcal)和饱和脂肪稍高于推荐值(>摄入总卡路里的10%)。


        Does Knowing One’s Elevated GlycemicStatus Make a Difference in Macronutrient Intake?

        OBJECTIVE To determine whether macronutrient intake differs by awareness of glycemic status among people with diabetes and prediabetes.


RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We used 24-h dietary recall and other data from 3,725 nonpregnant adults with diabetes or prediabetes aged ≥20 years from the morning fasting sample of the 2005–2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Diabetes and prediabetes awareness were self-reported; those unaware of diabetes and prediabetes were defined by fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ≥126 mg/dL or HbA1c ≥6.5% and FPG 100–125 mg/dL or HbA1c of 5.7%–6.4%, respectively. Components of nutrient intake on a given day assessed were total calories, sugar, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fat, and total cholesterol, stratified by sex and glycemic status awareness. Estimates of nutrient intake were adjusted for age, race/ethnicity, education level, BMI, smoking status, and family history of diabetes.


RESULTS Men with diagnosed diabetes consumed less sugar (mean 86.8 vs. 116.8 g) and carbohydrates (mean 235.0 vs. 262.1 g) and more protein (mean 92.3 vs. 89.7 g) than men with undiagnosed diabetes. Similarly, women with diagnosed diabetes consumed less sugar (mean 79.1 vs. 95.7 g) and more protein (mean 67.4 vs. 56.6 g) than women with undiagnosed diabetes. No significant differences in macronutrient intake were found by awareness of prediabetes. All participants, regardless of sex or glycemic status, consumed on average less than the American Diabetes Association recommendations for fiber intake (i.e., 14 g/1,000 kcal) and slightly more saturated fat than recommended (>10% of total kcal).


CONCLUSIONS Screening and subsequent knowledge of glycemic status may favorably affect some dietary patterns for people with diabetes.




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