
2型188bet在线平台网址 患者尿液中核酸氧化标志物与死亡率之间的关系

作者:张婷婷 编译 来源:金宝搏网站登录技巧 日期:2012-11-29

         2型188bet在线平台网址 患者尿液中核酸氧化标志物与死亡率之间的关系

Association Between Urinary Markers of Nucleic Acid Oxidation and Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes

A population-based cohort study

Kasper Broedbaek, PHD, Volkert Siersma, PHD, Trine Henriksen, PHD, Allan Weimann, PHD, Morten Petersen, PHD, Jon T. Andersen, MD,
Espen Jimenez-Solem, MD, Lars J. Hansen, PHD, Jan Erik Henriksen, PHD, Steen J. Bonnema, DMSC, Niels de Fine Olivarius, MD and
Henrik E. Poulsen, DMSC

Diabetes Care November 12, 2012

OBJECTIVE We recently showed that RNA oxidation, estimated by urinary excretion of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanosine (8-oxoGuo), independently predicted mortality in a cohort of 1,381 treatment-naive patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. In the present investigation, we analyzed urine collected 6 years after the diagnosis to assess the association between urinary markers of nucleic acid oxidation and mortality in patients with established and treated diabetes.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We used data from the 970 patients who attended the screening for diabetes complications 6 years after the diagnosis. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to examine the relationship between urinary markers of DNA oxidation (8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine [8-oxodG] [n = 938]) and RNA oxidation (8-oxoGuo [n = 936]) and mortality.

RESULTS During a median of 9.8 years of follow-up, 654 patients died. Urinary 8-oxoGuo assessed 6 years after the diagnosis was significantly associated with mortality. The multivariate-adjusted hazard ratios for all-cause and diabetes-related mortality of patients with 8-oxoGuo levels in the highest quartile compared with those in the lowest quartile were 1.86 (95% CI 1.34–2.58) and 1.72 (1.11–2.66), respectively. Conversely, 8-oxodG was not associated with mortality. In addition, we found an association between changes in 8-oxoGuo from diagnosis to 6-year follow-up and mortality, with increased risk in patients with an increase and decreased risk in patients with a decrease in 8-oxoGuo.

CONCLUSIONS The RNA oxidation marker 8-oxoGuo is an independent predictor of mortality in patients with established and treated type 2 diabetes, and changes in 8-oxoGuo during the first 6 years after diagnosis are associated with mortality.




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