关于更年期女性血清CA72-4水平的研究Study of CA72-4 Serum level in menopause women M. Alborzi, Z. Shomali Gynecology, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences,
Study of CA72-4 Serum level in menopause women
M. Alborzi, Z. Shomali
Gynecology, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran
Background: Carbohydrate/cancer Antigen (CA 72-4) implied as a tumor marker in the screening of epithelial ovarian cancer in the some studies. But the results are inconsistent. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of CA 72-4 as a serum tumor marker for ovarian cancer in menopause patients.
Materials and method: Serum concentrations of CA 72-4 were evaluated in 100 patients with ovarian cancer and 200 menopause healthy volunteers during a 3-year period. CA 72-4 assay was made with ELISA. The data was analyzed by SPSS software using chi-square, T test and Pearson correlation test. We correlated clinico-pathological parameters with serum CA 72-4 levels.
Results: Patients with ovarian cancer had a significantly higher serum CA 72-4 levels. (n=200; 14.6±3.33 U/ml ) compared with controls with no ovarian pathology (n=100;0.52 ±1.2U/ml; P< 0.0001). Parity, infertility, history of oral contraceptive usage, or hormone replacement therapy was not significant influences on CA72-4 level when analysis of covariance was performed. Age was weakly correlated with CA72-4 level in the study groups but this is not statistically significant (r: 0.023; P: .751 in cancerous group, r:0.021;P:.701 in healthy group).
Conclusion: CA 72-4 level of patients with ovarian cancer obviously changes; it is helpful to improve diagnostic rate of ovarian cancer. We have also shown that age might influence on the level of tumor marker but further longitudinal studies are needed to investigate it.
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