

作者:Y.-C. Hung等 来源:IGCS2012官网 日期:2012-10-26


Evaluation of prognostic significance and functional analysis of androgen receptor CAG repeat polymorphism in endometrial cancer 


Evaluation of prognostic significance and functional analysis of androgen receptor CAG repeat polymorphism in endometrial cancer

Introduction: Endometrial cancer (EC) is one of the most common gynecologic cancers in the world, and is a steroid hormone-related disease. Both epidemiologic and clinical studies have suggested that androgen and its intracellular receptor, androgen receptor (AR), are involved in EC. AR gene contains a CAG repeat (encoding for polyglutamine), highly polymorphic in length, that influences its transactivation function. A lineal increase in CAG repeat length is associated with a progressive decrease in AR activity.
Methods: We have genotyped CAG polymorphisms of the AR gene in genomic DNA from a series of 72 consecutive patients with EC, and analyzed the results with regard to the characteristics and clinical outcome of patients. We categorized the CAG repeat lengths into 4 groups according to the quartile in our series, < 20, 20-21, 22-23, and >23.
Results: Our preliminary data found that shorter AR CAG repeat length is associated with poor disease-free survival and overall survival in EC patients. Cox regression also showed that patients with a shorter AR CAG repeat length had a shorter time to progression and worse overall survival when analyzed in the quartile or in the per unit increase of repeat number (hazard ratios (HR) 0.85, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.76-0.96, P-trend = 0.006 for DFS; HR 0.82, 95% CI 0.73-0.93, P-trend < 0.001 for OS ;).
Conclusion: This study will not only discover prognostic biomarkers to improve the prediction of EC prognosis, but also help us understand the etiology of EC progression.





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