识别子宫内膜样腺癌的靶蛋白Identification of targeted proteins for endometrioid endometrial cancer Background and aims: Endometrial cancer is a common malignancy&nb
Identification of targeted proteins for endometrioid endometrial cancer
Background and aims: Endometrial cancer is a common malignancy of the female genital tract with uprising incidence and mortality in many countries. Endometrioid adenocarcinoma is the most common histology and is usual preceded by endometrial hyperplasia for years. To identify the potential risk of developing cancer in each woman with endometrial abnormality through a combination of histology and molecular markers might provide a way of cancer prevention through effective medical treatment for hyperplasia at risk.
Methods: Tissues of well preserved, early-staged endometrioid adenocarcinoma of endometrium from 5 patients were collected using laser capture microdissection. Normal endometrium glands in proliferative phase were microdissected for control. Proteomic approach to identify novel tumor-specific molecules was attempted by using LC-MS/MS and isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification.
Results: 5,440 proteins were identified from cancer tissues. Of these identified 181 proteins were expressed > 2x, comparing to the control. These proteins are growth factors, proteins related to immune response, metabolic enzymes, calcium binding proteins, and proteins involved in regulating inflammation, proliferation and invasion. We then perform immunohistochemical staining to explore the expression of these proteins on achieved tissue microarray.
Conclusion: Our analysis led to the identification of novel molecular targets with the potential of molecular diagnosis of endometrioid carcionoma of the endometrium. Further study is warranted for the clinical usage of selected molecules as a diagnostic measure which might offer a less invasive, alternative diagnostic tool other than traditional dilatation and curettage.
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