巴西首都巴西利亚的妇科肿瘤护理Gynaecological cancer care in Brasilia - Brazil. Role of an operational public care regional refference centre under consolidation
Gynaecological cancer care in Brasilia - Brazil. Role of an operational public care regional refference centre under consolidation
Introduction: Primary, secondary and tertiary care of gynaecological cancer patients in Brazil´s public health system is often regarded as non-supportive of patients´ with respect to timing of diagnostic results as well as surgical, adjuvant and palliative care. Upon establishing a regional reference centre for these patients in a central hospital we look forward to imprint a new flow of information and referral in order to make diagnostic and treatment procedures feasible concerning time, cost and effectiveness.
Objectives: To achieve our goals, a basic but reliable information system must be set in place, and the cornerstone is the statistical report of ambulatory and surgical procedures. We present the results of the first six months of survey.
Design: Observational study.
Methods: Data forms, statistical analysis with direct proportional calculations.
Results: 600 patients, main diagnosis were: Precancerous cervical lesions 300 (50 %), invasive cervical lesions 96 (18%), ovarian lesions (malignant and benign) 50 (8.33%), and endometrial / sarcomatous lesions 40 (6.67%). Mean age and range per diagnosed lesions: Precancerous cervical 41 (17 - 78), invasive cervical 49 (24 - 73), ovarian 41 (13 - 76) and endometrial / sarcomatous 62 (39 - 76). A total of 74 surgeries were performed, 10 of citoreductive/staging high complexity (12%), 22 (31%) of moderate and 42 (57%) of low complexity (Mainly conizations and LLETZ).
Conclusions: The high prevalence of precancerous cervical lesions and the high proportion of surgeries indicated for this diagnosis show need for continued work in cervical cancer prevention and reinforcement of the referral system.
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