

作者:Hisham Abou-Taleb等 来源:IGCS2012官网 日期:2012-10-26


ARID1A status divides the morphological subtypes of ovarian clear cell carcinoma (CCC) 

Objective: To study the relation ARID1


ARID1A status divides the morphological subtypes of ovarian clear cell carcinoma (CCC)

Objective: To study the relation ARID1A expression to CCC molecular and pathological features.
Methods: 123 ovarian cancer samples; 56 of them were CCC, were immunohistochemically tested for ARID1A, HNF1ß, ERa, P53, pAKT and Ki-67 after obtaining an informed consent from all patients.
mRNA expression microarray analyses was done for 14 CCC samples.
Results: 34 CCC cases showed negative ARID1A staining compared to other types which showed positive expression except for 4 cases. 75% of CCC cases showed positive HNF1ßstaining, while the other types gave reaction with only 4 cases. Expression of ERa is lost in 92.9% of CCC cases, while it is expressed in 72% of EAC and 50% of SAC.
ARID1A was correlated to HNF1ß, ERa, P53 and Ki-67 but not with pAKT.
There is a significant difference in ARID1A expression between CCC morphological patterns, where the solid pattern showed higher ARID1A expression score than papillary pattern (p=0.0058).
Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of merged microarray data of our samples, GSE2109 and GSE6008 showed two major clusters, where ARID1A expression accumulated in one cluster.
Univariate and Multivariate analysis of the risk imposed by ARID1A on the Overall and Progression-free survival rates were not statistically significant.
Conclusions: This study shows that CCC has unique molecular features that differentiate it from other types.
HNF1ß and PI3K pathways of are activated while expressions of ARID1A and ERa are lost in CCC.
There are two subtypes of CCC based on ARID1A status which is related to CCC morphology.





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