
PLoS ONE:惊人发现!精子的运动性基因和个体身高直接相关

作者:佚名 来源:生物谷 日期:2015-06-04

         近日,来自弗吉尼亚联邦大学的研究者就鉴别出了精子中特殊基因和人类身高之间的关联;研究者发现,精子相关的抗原17(SPAG17)基因的靶向突变会导致小鼠骨骼发育畸形,比如后肢长度变短、胸骨出现融合性片段以及骨中矿物质缺失等。Jerome Strauss III博士表示,对小鼠进行研究就告诉我们SPAG17和骨骼长度直接相关,这或许就可以帮助解释为何精子和机体身高直接相关。


  近日,来自弗吉尼亚联邦大学的研究者就鉴别出了精子中特殊基因和人类身高之间的关联;研究者发现,精子相关的抗原17(SPAG17)基因的靶向突变会导致小鼠骨骼发育畸形,比如后肢长度变短、胸骨出现融合性片段以及骨中矿物质缺失等。Jerome Strauss III博士表示,对小鼠进行研究就告诉我们SPAG17和骨骼长度直接相关,这或许就可以帮助解释为何精子和机体身高直接相关。

  相关研究以“Spag17 Deficiency Results in Skeletal Malformations and Bone Abnormalities”为题刊登于国际杂志PLoS ONE上。当研究影响男性不育的基因时,研究者首次发现SPAG17基因,该基因参与了精子的运动型,当进行工程化操作制造缺失SPAG17的小鼠后,研究者就可以在小鼠体内观察到不育的表型,相比野生型小鼠,缺失SPAG17的小鼠往往会在出生后12消失内死亡,而且胫骨和股骨会变短,同时也会表现出骨质畸形和骨矿化缺失的现象。







  Spag17 Deficiency Results in Skeletal Malformations and Bone Abnormalities

  Maria Eugenia Teves, Gobalakrishnan Sundaresan, David J. Cohen, Sharon L. Hyzy, Illya Kajan, Melissa Maczis, Zhibing Zhang, Richard M. Costanzo, Jamal Zweit, Zvi Schwartz, Barbara D. Boyan, Jerome F. Strauss III

  Height is the result of many growth and development processes. Most of the genes associated with height are known to play a role in skeletal development. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the SPAG17 gene have been associated with human height. However, it is not clear how this gene influences linear growth. Here we show that a targeted mutation in Spag17 leads to skeletal malformations. Hind limb length in mutants was significantly shorter than in wild-type mice. Studies revealed differences in maturation of femur and tibia suggesting alterations in limb patterning. Morphometric studies showed increased bone formation evidenced by increased trabecular bone area and the ratio of bone area to total area, leading to reductions in the ratio of marrow area/total area in the femur. Micro-CTs and von Kossa staining demonstrated increased mineral in the femur. Moreover, osteocalcin and osterix were more highly expressed in mutant mice than in wild-type mice femurs. These data suggest that femur bone shortening may be due to premature ossification. On the other hand, tibias appear to be shorter due to a delay in cartilage and bone development. Morphometric studies showed reduction in growth plate and bone formation. These defects did not affect bone mineralization, although the volume of primary bone and levels of osteocalcin and osterix were higher. Other skeletal malformations were observed including fused sternebrae, reduced mineralization in the skull, medial and metacarpal phalanges. Primary cilia from chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) isolated from knockout mice were shorter and fewer cells had primary cilia in comparison to cells from wild-type mice. In addition, Spag17 knockdown in wild-type MEFs by Spag17 siRNA duplex reproduced the shorter primary cilia phenotype. Our findings disclosed unexpected functions for Spag17 in the regulation of skeletal growth and mineralization, perhaps because of its role in primary cilia of chondrocytes and osteoblasts.




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