近日,来自加利福尼亚大学的研究人员通过研究表示,暴露于父母烟草中的子宫内胎儿或更易在成年期患上188bet在线平台网址 ,相关研究刊登于国际杂志the Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease上。
近日,来自加利福尼亚大学的研究人员通过研究表示,暴露于父母烟草中的子宫内胎儿或更易在成年期患上188bet在线平台网址 ,相关研究刊登于国际杂志the Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease上。
女性在怀孕期间抽烟或可使其后代在成年期增加2-3倍患188bet在线平台网址 的可能性,而父亲抽烟则会增加其后代在儿童期间患188bet在线平台网址 的风险,但研究者表示还需要进行更多的研究来建立父母抽烟和儿童患病风险之间的关联。
Michele La Merrill教授表示,我们的研究结果同当前的一种看法相一致,当前的看法认为女性妊娠期环境中化学物的暴露会引发后代的健康问题或疾病发生。而本文研究中研究人员对参与儿童健康和发育研究项目中的1800名女性的女儿进行研究,这些女性在1959年至1967年间均通过Kaiser Permanente健康计划寻求过产科护理,而当时研究者也收集了相关的研究数据来评估这些女性个体患乳腺癌的风险。
此前研究中,研究者发现胎儿暴露于吸烟中往往会增加其出生后患肥胖及出现低体重的风险,而本文研究则发现不论吸烟父母所生女儿是否患188bet在线平台网址 都不会影响后代的出生体重;最后研究者La Merrill说道,我们研究发现父母吸烟其实本身就是一种引发188bet在线平台网址 的风险因子,其并不依赖于肥胖或出生体重;如果父母吸烟,那么你将并不会被保护而会在出生后患上188bet在线平台网址 。
The impact of prenatal parental tobacco smoking on risk of diabetes mellitus in middle-aged women
M. A. La Merrilla1 c1, P. M. Cirilloa2, N. Y. Krigbauma2 and B. A. Cohna2
Growing evidence indicates that parental smoking is associated with risk of offspring obesity. The purpose of this study was to identify whether parental tobacco smoking during gestation was associated with risk of diabetes mellitus. This is a prospective study of 44- to 54-year-old daughters (n=1801) born in the Child Health and Development Studies pregnancy cohort between 1959 and 1967. Their mothers resided near Oakland California, were members of the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and reported parental tobacco smoking during an early pregnancy interview. Daughters reported physician diagnoses of diabetes mellitus and provided blood samples for hemoglobin A1C measurement. Prenatal maternal smoking had a stronger association with daughters’ diabetes mellitus risk than prenatal paternal smoking, and the former persisted after adjustment for parental race, diabetes and employment (aRR=2.4 [95% confidence intervals 1.4–4.1] P<0.01 and aRR=1.7 [95% confidence intervals 1.0–3.0] P=0.05, respectively). Estimates of the effect of parental smoking were unchanged when further adjusted by daughters’ birth weight or current body mass index (BMI). Maternal smoking was also significantly associated with self-reported type 2 diabetes diagnosis (2.3 [95% confidence intervals 1.0–5.0] P<0.05). Having parents who smoked during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of diabetes mellitus among adult daughters, independent of known risk factors, providing further evidence that prenatal environmental chemical exposures independent of birth weight and current BMI may contribute to adult diabetes mellitus. While other studies seek to confirm our results, caution toward tobacco smoking by or proximal to pregnant women is warranted in diabetes mellitus prevention efforts.
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