console 控制台 contrast medium 对比剂 contrast enhancement 对比增强 contrast media bolus 造影剂团注 contusion of kidney 肾挫伤 contusion of spinal cord 脊髓挫伤 coronal scan 冠状面扫描
abscess of kidney 肾脓肿
acoustic 听神经瘤
acute pancreatitis 急性胰腺炎
analog 模拟
analog/digital converter 模拟/数字转化器
angiography of spinal cord 脊髓血管造影
angioma 血管瘤
angiomyolipoma 血管平滑肌脂肪瘤
anterior cerebral artery,ACA 大脑前动脉
anterior communicating artery,AcoA 前交通动脉
arachnoidcyst 蛛网膜囊肿
arterior-venous malformation,AVM 动静脉畸形
artifact 伪影
astrocytoma 星形细胞瘤
atelectasis 肺不张
attenuation 衰减
attenuation coefficient 衰减系数
axial scan 轴位扫描
B basilar artery,BA 基底动脉
Beam hardening artifact 射线硬化伪影
biopsy gun 活检枪
biopsy needle 活检针
biphasic contrast enhancement 双期增强扫描
bone mineral density,BMD 骨密度
brain abscess 脑脓肿
brain hemorrhage 脑出血
brain trauma 脑外伤
bronchiectsis 支气管扩张
bronchogenic carcinoma 支气管肺癌
calcification of the pleura 胸膜钙化
calculus of kidney 肾结石
carcinoma of bladder 膀胱癌
carcinoma of the cervix 宫颈癌
carcinoma of kidney 肾癌
carcinoma of prostate 前列腺癌
carcinoma of ovary 卵巢癌
cavity 空洞
central bronchogenic carcinoma 中央型肺癌
cerebral atrophy 脑萎缩
cerebral contusion 脑搓伤
cerebral infarction 脑梗塞
cerebral ischemia 脑缺血
cerebral cycticercosis 脑囊虫病
cholesteatoma 胆脂瘤
cholangiocarcinoma 胆管癌
cholecystitis 胆囊炎
chronic pancreatitis 慢性胰腺炎
circle of willis 脑底动脉环
cirrhosis 肝硬化
collimator 准直器
console 控制台
contrast medium 对比剂
contrast enhancement 对比增强
contrast media bolus 造影剂团注
contusion of kidney 肾挫伤
contusion of spinal cord 脊髓挫伤
coronal scan 冠状面扫描
craniopharyngioma 颅咽管瘤
CT angiography,CTA CT血管造影术
CT arterial portography,CTAP CT动脉性门脉造影
CT fluoroscopy CT透视
CT guided needle biopsy CT导向穿刺活检
CT guided fine needle aspiration biopsy CT导向细针抽吸活组织检查
CT guided stereotaxis CT导向立体定位
CT intervention CT介入
CT muelography,CTM CT脊髓造影
CT value CT值
Cyst of Kinney 肾囊肿
delayed scan 延迟扫描
density resolution 密度分辨率
digital martrix 数字矩阵
dynamic scanning 动态扫描
enhancement scan 增强扫描
ependymoma 室管膜瘤
epidural hematoma 硬膜外血肿
fatty liver 脂肪肝
field of view,FOV 视野
FWHM 有效层厚
gallbladder carcinoma 胆囊癌
gallstone 胆石症
golima 胶质瘤
Graves’ disease 格氏眼病
hepatic cyst 肝囊肿
hepatocellular 肝细胞癌
high KV radiography 高千伏摄影
high resolution CT,HRCT 高分辨率CT
high spatial-freqyency algorithm 高空间频率计算法重建
hypaque 泛影钠
image post-processing 图象后处理
image reconstruction 图象重建
informatics in radiology,infoRAD 信息放射学
interventional radiology 介入放射学
iodipamide/biligrafin/cholografin 胆影葡胺
iohexol 碘苯六醇(欧乃派克)
iopromide 碘普罗胺
isovist 伊索显
laser printer 激光打印机
matrix 矩阵
maximum intensity projection,MIP 最大强度投影
medulloblastoma 髓母细胞瘤
meningioma 黑色素瘤
motion artifact 运动伪影
multiformat camera 多幅相机
multiplanar reformation,MPR 多平面重建
multiple sclerosis 多发性肝硬化
neurofibroma 神经纤维瘤
noise 噪声
orbitomeatal line 听眶线
overlap scan 重叠扫描
partial volume effect 部分容积效应
peripheral space phenomenon 周围间隙现象
picture achieve and communication system,PACS 图象存储和传输系统
pitch 螺距
pixel 像素
plain scan 平扫
pleural effusion 胸腔积液
posterior cerebral artery,PCA 大脑后动脉
preventive maintenace 日常维护程序
protrusion of intervertebral disk 椎间盘突出
quantitative computed tomography,QCT 定量CT
region of interest 兴趣区
retinoblastoma 视网膜母细胞瘤
scout view 定位扫描
slice increment 间距
slice thickness 层厚
spatial resolution 空间分辨率
spinal srenosis 椎管狭窄
spiral CT/helical CT 螺旋CT
subdural hematoma 硬膜下血肿
teleradiology 远程放射学
temporal resolution 时间分辨率
thin slice scan 薄层扫描
three dimension computed tomography,3 DCT 三维CT
three-dimensional surface reconstrction,SSD 三维表面重建
threshold 阈值
tomography 体层摄影
tuberculosis 肺结核
ultrafast CT,UFCT 超高速CT
ultravist 优维显
urografin 泛影葡胺
vertebral artery,VA 椎动脉
virtual endoscopy,VE 仿真内镜
volume acquisition 容积采集
volume scan 容积扫描
voxel matrix 像素矩阵
window level 窗位
window width 窗宽
work station 工作站
Xeroradiography 干板照相
X-ray tube X线球管
Xenon,Xe 氙气
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