The world population is getting older and older. In 2000,there were 600 million people aged 60 and over; who will become 1.2 billion b
Angelo Scuteri
UOC Geriatria INRCA IRCCS Rome (Italy)
The world population is getting older and older. In 2000,there were 600 million people aged 60 and over; who will become 1.2 billion by 2025 and 2 billion by 2050. Loss of cognitive function is a common condition in the elderly population and significantly impacts on loss of personal independency. Dementia,whose prevalence increases with advancing age (7% of subjects over 65 years and 30% of those over 80),is usually preceded by a progressive cognitive impairment progressively affecting memory,executive functions,and other cognitive domains.
The aim of this presentation will be:
Arterial aging is mainly characterized by changes in large artery structure and function
leading to arterial stiffening and thickening ,and to a lower extent by changes in small artery structure and function .
In spite of marked heterogeneity across studies for the study population (small groups; gender composition; inclusion of subjects with dementia,etc),the specific methodology adopted to measure arterial structure and function,and the neuropsychological test adopted to evaluate cognition (single or repeated measures of Mini Mental State Examination,neuropsychological battery,specific tests for selected cognitive domains),a significant inverse relationship between arterial stiffness or thickness and cognitive performance was reported cross-sectionally and longitudinally. A greater arterial stiffness or thickness was also associated with larger cerebral white matter lesions (WML) at neuroimaging.
Possible pathophsyiological pathways linking arterial and brain aging will be discussed. Specific attention will be devoted to the role of arterial aging in the onset of hypotension / hypoperfusion in the context of the dominant “the lower the better” paradigm to control CV risk factors.
Additionally,we will focus on therapeutical strategies to reduce arterial stiffness (and possibly cognitive dysfunction) independently of blood pressure lowering.
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