In this double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled study, 311 Asian patients with colorectal adenomas and adenocarcinomas excised by endoscopy were assigned to receive aspirin 100 mg once daily or placebo for 2 years. Researchers found that patients receiving aspirin had reduced risk for recurrence. Aspirin use in nonsmokers also reduced risk but resulted in higher risk in smokers. Similar to previous findings, results suggest that aspirin reduces tumor recurrence in patients with colorectal cancer. Previous studies investigated patient populations of Western countries, whereas this study focused on aspirin effect in an Asian population.
The Preventive Effects of Low-Dose Enteric-Coated Aspirin Tablets on the Development of Colorectal Tumours in Asian Patients: A Randomised Trial
Gut 2014 Nov 01;63(11)1755-1759, H Ishikawa, M Mutoh, S Suzuki, S Tokudome, Y Saida, T Abe, S Okamura, M Tajika, T Joh, S Tanaka, SE Kudo, T Matsuda, M Iimuro, T Yukawa, T Takayama, Y Sato, K Lee, S Kitamura, M Mizuno, Y Sano, N Gondo, K Sugimoto, M Kusunoki, C Goto, N Matsuura, T Sakai, K Wakabayashi
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