

作者:佚名 来源:MedSci 日期:2017-01-13

         根据美国加州大学戴维斯分校研究人员在British Journal of Nutrition期刊上发表的一篇研究论文,通过基因编程患上前列腺癌的小鼠如果吃含核桃的食物拥有更小的和更慢生长的肿瘤。

关键字:  前列腺肿瘤 

        根据美国加州大学戴维斯分校研究人员在British Journal of Nutrition期刊上发表的一篇研究论文,通过基因编程患上前列腺癌的小鼠如果吃含核桃的食物拥有更小的和更慢生长的肿瘤。

        加州大学戴维斯分校研究人员和和来自加州大学戴维斯分校西部区域研究中心的同事们评估了小鼠吃不同食物9周、18周和24周后产生的肿瘤大小。他们发现小鼠每天吃相当于人2.4盎司全果核桃的食物与吃匹配核桃食物中的营养物、脂肪水平和脂肪酸谱的大豆油食物的小鼠有着相同的体重增加速度。然而,18 周后,吃核桃的一组小鼠的肿瘤重量将近是吃大豆油食物的小鼠的一半。总之,在吃核桃的小鼠中肿瘤生长速度下降了28%。


        加州大学戴维斯分校营养部门营养研究学家Paul Davis也是加州大学戴维斯分校癌症中心的研究员,同时还是该研究论文的第一作者。他说,“如果附加研究确定核桃在男人中拥有它们在小鼠中的同样效应,那么坚持吃不含能够降低脂肪含量的核桃的食物将意味着前列腺癌症病人可能错过核桃的有益效果。”




        研究人员发现没有单个组分产生核桃的有益效果。比如,这项研究发现核桃能够影响与肿瘤生长和代谢相关联的多种信号传导和代谢途径,还发现吃核桃的小鼠在血液中有着较低水平的胰岛素样生长因子(insulin-like growth factor, IGF-1)---一种与前列腺癌强烈相关的蛋白。



A high-fat diet containing whole walnuts (Juglans regia) reduces tumour size and growth along with plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 in the transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate model

        Paul A. Davis, Vihas T. Vasu, Kishorchandra Gohil, Hyunsook Kim, Imran H. Khan Carroll E. Cross and Wallace Yokoyama

        Prostate cancer (PCa) has been linked to fat intake, but the effects of both different dietary fat levels and types remain inconsistent and incompletely characterised. The effects on PCa in the transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate (TRAMP) cancer model of an elevated fat (20 % of energy as fat) diet containing 155 g of whole walnuts were compared to those of an elevated fat (20 % of energy as soyabean oil) diet with matched macronutrients, tocopherols as well as a low-fat (8 % of energy as soyabean oil) diet. Mice, starting at 8 weeks of age, consumed one of the three different diets ad libitum; and prostates, livers and blood were obtained after 9, 18 or 24 weeks of feeding. No differences were observed in whole animal growth rates in either high-fat (HF) diet group, but prostate tumour weight and growth rate were reduced in the walnut diet group. Walnut diet group prostate weight, plasma insulin-like growth factor 1, resistin and LDL were lower at 18 weeks, while no statistically significant prostate weight differences by diet were seen at 9 or 24 weeks. Multiple metabolites in the livers differed by diet at 9 and 18 weeks. The walnut diet's beneficial effects probably represent the effects of whole walnuts' multiple constituents and not via a specific fatty acid or tocopherols. Moreover, as the two HF diets had dissimilar effects on prostate tumour growth rate and size, and yet had the same total fat and tocopherol composition and content, this suggests that these are not strongly linked to PCa growth.




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