

作者: 来源:新英格兰杂志 日期:2013-01-05


关键字:  Medicare | headach | head 

Medicare's Efficiency Measure for head CT for Atraumatic headache

Is Profoundly Flawed 

A multicenter review of medical records shows that the measure is wildly unreliable, invalid, and inaccurate.

As part of their initiative to publically report and eventually pair reimbursement with specific quality and efficiency measures, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) developed an efficiency measure to evaluate use of brain computed tomography (CT) for emergency department (ED) patients who present with atraumatic headache. The measure (CMS OP-15) uses administrative billing data for patients with a final diagnosis of nonspecific headache. A CT scan is not included in the calculation (i.e., considered appropriate) if the patient has any of the following exclusions, which were derived based on guideline review and expert opinion: headache associated with lumbar puncture, dizziness, paresthesia, lack of coordination, subarachnoid hemorrhage, complicated or thunderclap headache, focal neurologic deficit, pregnancy, HIV, tumor or mass, or CT scan related to reason for admission. The National Quality Forum (NQF), which typically reviews and approves all measures for the CMS, rejected the proposed measure because it lacked scientific validity. The CMS implemented the measure despite the NQF finding.

These authors assessed the reliability, validity, and accuracy of the measure in a retrospective review of medical records for a convenience sample of 748 patients deemed by the CMS as having received inappropriate head CT because no exclusions were documented. The authors determined that exclusions were documented in the medical record for 489 patients (reliability, 35%) and that universally accepted indications for head CT (according to expert consensus, society guidelines, and literature) were present for 123 of 259 patients without exclusions documented in the medical record (validity, 48%). Overall accuracy of the measure was 17%.

Related Link: //www.nurftech.com/detail/135139.html




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