
High-intensity focused ultrasound treatment

作者: 来源:国际肝胆胰疾病杂志 日期:2012-12-14


关键字:  胰腺癌 

High-intensity focused ultrasound treatment for patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer
Peng-Zhou Li, Shai-Hong Zhu, Wei He, Li-Yong Zhu, Sheng-Ping Liu,
Yan Liu, Guo-Hui Wang and Fei Ye
Changsha, China

BACKGROUND: High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)
is a non-invasive method of solid tissue ablation therapy.
However, only a few studies have reported the effect of HIFU for
unresectable pancreatic cancer. This study aimed to evaluate
the clinical benefits, survival time and complications associated
with the use of HIFU ablation in patients with unresectable
pancreatic cancer.
METHODS: Twenty-five patients with unresectable pancreatic
cancer were enrolled in our study. All patients received HIFU
therapy for tumors at least once. The therapeutic effects of HIFU
was evaluated in terms of Karnofsky performance status (KPS)
scores, pain relief, serum CA19-9, and imaging by B-US and CT
before and after the therapy. We also recorded median overall
survival time and complications caused by the treatment.
RESULTS: In the 25 patients, KPS scores were above 60, and
increased KPS was observed in 23 patients after treatment.
Pain relief occurred in 23 patients. Serum CA19-9 levels were
significantly reduced one month after HIFU treatment and
became negative in 5 patients. B-US revealed enhanced tumor
echogenicity in 13 patients and decreased tumor blood supply
in 9. Tumor necrosis was confirmed by CT in 8 patients one
month after HIFU treatment. The median overall survival time
was 10 months, and the 1-year survival rate was 42%. No severe
complications were observed after HIFU treatment.
CONCLUSION: HIFU can effectively relieve pain, increase KPS,
decrease tumor growth and prolong the survival time of patients
with unresectable pancreatic cancer.
(Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2012;11:655-660)




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