文章作者Charles S. Zuker这样说道:"你我认为的味道其实都在我们的脑子里。舌头上的专用味觉受体只负责检测甜或苦以及其他味道,只有大脑才能给这些化学物质赋予真正意义。"
Dr. Zuker实验室的主要研究方向是理解大脑如何将检测到的化学刺激变成感觉。在过去十多年里,Dr. Zuker以及他的同事证明,舌头上每种味道都有专用受体,每种受体都可以发送特定信号到大脑。最近他们证明每种味道都会被特定的脑细胞群所感知,这些细胞定位于大脑皮层的不同位置,形成味觉网络。
Sweet and bitter taste in the brain of awake behaving animals
Yueqing Peng,Sarah Gillis-Smith,Hao Jin,Dimitri Trankner,Nicholas J. P. Ryba &Charles S. Zuker
Taste is responsible for evaluating the nutritious content of food, guiding essential appetitive behaviours, preventing the ingestion of toxic substances, and helping to ensure the maintenance of a healthy diet. Sweet and bitter are two of the most salient sensory percepts for humans and other animals; sweet taste allows the identification of energy-rich nutrients whereas bitter warns against the intake of potentially noxious chemicals1. In mammals, information from taste receptor cells in the tongue is transmitted through multiple neural stations to the primary gustatory cortex in the brain2. Recent imaging studies have shown that sweet and bitter are represented in the primary gustatory cortex by neurons organized in a spatial map3, 4, with each taste quality encoded by distinct cortical fields4. Here we demonstrate that by manipulating the brain fields representing sweet and bitter taste we directly control an animal's internal representation, sensory perception, and behavioural actions. These results substantiate the segregation of taste qualities in the cortex, expose the innate nature of appetitive and aversive taste responses, and illustrate the ability of gustatory cortex to recapitulate complex behaviours in the absence of sensory input.
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