研究者发现,阿司匹林能够提供一种新型解决策略来帮助恢复蛀牙引发的牙齿问题,研究者已经在近日举办的英国188体育平台论坛 和牙科研究协会年会上对该结果进行了报告,他们指出,阿司匹林能够增强牙齿中干细胞的功能,同时通过再生缺失的牙齿结构来帮助进行蛀牙的修复。研究者将基因组学和新型生物信息学技术相结合,发现阿司匹林或许能够作为一种潜在的候选药物来刺激牙齿中存在的干细胞来增强损伤牙齿结构的再生功能。
低剂量的阿司匹林或能明显增加牙齿的矿化作用,并且增强形成牙本质的基因的表达,蛀牙通常会破坏牙齿中硬齿的结构,研究者指出,阿司匹林的抗炎性及疼痛减缓效应或许能够题为一种解决方法来帮助控制个体蛀牙引发的神经痛和炎症,同时还能够促进天然的牙齿修复。El Karim博士表示,未来我们或许拥有巨大的潜力来改善我们在牙齿疾病中所遭遇的问题,前期实验室研究结果表明,阿司匹林的使用或许能够帮助促进机体牙齿的再生和修复。
Research shows aspirin could repair tooth decay
Researchers at Queen's University Belfast have discovered that aspirin could reverse the effects of tooth decay resulting in a reduction in the need for fillings. Currently about 7 million fillings are provided by the NHS each year in England alone.
Tooth decay is the most common dental disease worldwide. Tooth decay imposes a huge financial burden on the NHS, particularly in Northern Ireland which has the highest prevalence in the UK.
Tooth decay leads to the destruction of the tooth structure, formation of cavities and subsequent inflammation of the tooth nerve causing toothache. Current treatment for tooth decay involves fillings, where dentists will restore the cavity or hole using a synthetic material that doesn't resemble the natural tooth structure and may need to be replaced many times during the life time of the tooth.......
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