

作者:美国路易斯安那州奥克斯纳诊所(Ochsner Clinic) 高磊 来源:中国医学论坛报 日期:2015-10-31


关键字:  美国心血管医生 

        美国路易斯安那州奥克斯纳诊所(Ochsner Clinic) 高磊






        ACC颁布的心脏专科培训细则即COCATS是培训计划的重要组成部分,它是在ACGME提出的最低培训要求上对培训项目课程做出详细的分类说明。最新的版本COCATS第四版在今年五月份发表。COCATS 4详列了心脏科培训的15个独特的专案项目,包括:门诊会诊培训,预防医学培训,心电图门诊心电和运动试验培训,多模态成像培训,心超培训,心脏核医学培训,心脏计算机断层扫描培训,心脏磁共振培训,血管医学培训,心脏导管培训,心律失常的诊断和管理及心脏起搏电生理培训,心衰培训,重症心脏监护培训,成人先天性心脏病培训,心血管科研培训。每一个培训科目都基于ACGME要求的以能力培养为标准。新的COCATS 4培训指南不仅强调了科目培训时间和操作数量,而且更注重于以结果为基准的评估,具体科目的学习目标,和导师与进修医生的双向评估理念。ACC组织的每年一次全国心脏科进修培训考试一方面是客观检验进修医生的医学知识能力,另一方面也是考核培训机构的教育成果。




        ACGME Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education美国毕业后医学教育评审委员会

        NRMP National Resident Matching Program国家住院医生相配系统

        ACC American College of Cardiology 美国心脏病学会

        COCATS Core Cardiovascular Training Statement 心血管核心培训声明

        ABIM American Board of Internal Medicine 美国内科医学委员会

How to become a board certified cardiologist in the US?——

The standard training requirement, tests and management

        Cardiology fellowship training in USA is designed totrain the physician candidates to become highly competent specialists in all areas of cardiovascular disease. There are three major independent non-for-profit organizations working together to regulate the cardiology training and secure the standard outcome nationally wide. They are ACGME, ACC and ABIM. Whereas the ACGME regulates and accredits the training programs, ACC specifies detailed training protocol, and ABIM certifies the individual as specialist in cardiovascular disease.

        To acquire the cardiology specialty training, the fellow candidate is required to finish 3-year general internal medicine residency training, meet the prerequisite of subspecialty application, and finally be selected by ACGME accredited training program through the national Match process (NRMP). The educational program in cardiovascular disease must be 36 months in length. Each rotation is designed under constructs of ACGME 6 core competencies as medical knowledge, patient care, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, practice-based learning and improvement, and systems-based practice. The fellow will be assessed with 360 degree by competency-based evaluation method. The program director will have semi-annual performance meeting with each fellow to discuss his or her progress toward goals and objectives for the year.Each meeting will be documented and be kept in record for ACGME future review.

        Cardiology training guideline (COCATS) released by ACC has been an important contributor to the fundamental of the training requirements for cardiovascular disease. COCATS provides additional curricular content detail beyond the ACGME minimum requirements for cardiovascular program to define progressive training skill levels and competency in designated areas. Latest vision COCATS 4 was recently published in May 2015. COCATS 4 outlines 15 distinct Task Forces and each report covers a specific field of competency in cardiovascular disease. Those are Training in Ambulatory, Consultative, and Longitudinal Cardiovascular Care; Training in Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine; Training in Electrocardiography, Ambulatory Electrocardiography and Exercise Testing; Training in Multimodality Imaging; Training in Echocardiography; Training in Nuclear Cardiology; Training in Cardiovascular Computed Tomographic Imaging; Training in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Training in Vascular Medicine; Training in cardiac Catheterization; Training in Arrhythmia Diagnosis and Management, Cardiac Pacing and electrophysiology; Training in Heart Failure; Training in Critical Care Cardiology; Training in Care of Adult Patients with Congenital Heart Disease; Training in Cardiovascular Research and Scholarly Activity. The current competency-based curriculum in COCATS 4 emphasizes not only on minimal case volume and exposure time requirements, but also on outcome-based evaluations, specific learner objectives, and bidirectional evaluations, in which both faculty and trainees mutually evaluate and provide constructive feedback to one another. Annual In-Training exam held by ACC has been designed to provide an objective assessment instrument for the medical knowledge competency and also the opportunity to evaluate the training program.

        After successful completion of 3-year training in an ACGME accreditation program, the fellows will meet the requirement to sit for the ABIM Cardiovascular Disease certifying examination and became board certified general cardiologists. In addition, all fellows will get COCATS level 2 experience in all Task Forces, which make them eligible for multiple board certification exams in cardiovascular disease, including but not limited to: National Board of Echocardiography, Certification Board of Nuclear cardiology, Certification Board of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography and Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation. To achieve advanced expertise in subspecialized areas in cardiovascular disease, the general cardiologists can have additional training and obtain ABIM board certification in areas of clinical cardiac electrophysiology, interventional cardiology, advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology, and adult congenital heart disease.

        Being a certified cardiologist is only the beginning of the career training life. Continuing medical education is regulated by both state medical license board and ABIM maintenance of certification program.




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