


作者:小田 译 来源: 日期:2015-05-26


关键字: 脂蛋白a | 低度炎症

目前尚不清楚脂蛋白(a)升高是否与低度炎症具有因果相关性。丹麦一项研究表明,脂蛋白(a)水平升高与通过C反应蛋白测定的低度炎症无因果相关性,但其与主动脉瓣狭窄和心肌梗死风险升高具有因果相关性。论文5月4日在线发表于《临床内分泌与代谢杂志》(J Clin Endocrinol Metab)。


结果显示,脂蛋白(a)每升高50 mg/dL,C反应蛋白升高29%。然而,两种LPA单核苷酸多态性(SNP)和kringle IV type 2(KIV-2)基因型与脂蛋白(a)水平分别升高98 mg/dL、95 mg/dL和68 mg/dL具有相关性,但与C反应蛋白升高无因果相关性。

对于主动脉瓣狭窄,脂蛋白(a)水平没升高1标准差与多因素校正危险比1.23具有观察相关性;基于LPA SNP和LPA KIV-2基因型时影响的因果相对危险度分别为1.38和1.21。对于心肌梗死,相应的观察性值为1.20,因果性值分别为1.18和1.31。对C反应蛋白水平进行进一步校正之后,主动脉瓣狭窄和心梗的观察性危险比相似。

参考文献:Anne Langsted,et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab .Published Online: May 04, 2015 .DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/jc.2015-1096

Elevated lipoprotein(a) does not cause low-grade inflammation, despite causal association with aortic valve stenosis and myocardial infarction: a study of 100,578 individuals from the general population
Anne LangstedMD1,2,4, Anette VarboMD, PhD1,2,4, Pia R KamstrupMD, PhD1,2,4, and Børge G NordestgaardMD, DMSc.1,2,3,4

Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Address for correspondence: B∅rge G. Nordestgaard, professor, chief physician, MD, DMSc.,
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital, Herlev Ringvej 75, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark
, Phone: +45 3868 3297; Fax: +45 3868 3311, E-mail: Boerge.Nordestgaard@regionh.dk.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/jc.2015-1096
Received: January 12, 2015
Accepted: April 24, 2015
Published Online: May 04, 2015
Whether elevated lipoprotein(a) is causally associated with low-grade inflammation is unknown.
We tested the hypothesis that elevated lipoprotein(a) observationally and causally is associated with low-grade inflammation together with aortic valve stenosis and myocardial infarction.
Design and setting
Using a multidirectional Mendelian randomization approach, we studied 100,578 individuals from the Danish general population with plasma levels of and/or genotypes known to affect levels of lipoprotein(a) and C-reactive protein, and using information regarding diagnosis of aortic valve stenosis and of myocardial infarction from registries.
Observationally, C-reactive protein increased by 29% (95%CI:23;34) per 50 mg/dL increase in lipoprotein(a). However, two LPA single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the kringle IV type 2 (KIV-2) genotype that were associated with 98 mg/dL, 95 mg/dL and 68 mg/dL higher lipoprotein(a) levels, were not causally associated with increased C-reactive protein levels. For aortic valve stenosis, a one standard deviation increase in lipoprotein(a) levels was associated observationally with a multifactorially adjusted hazard ratio of 1.23(95%CI:1.06;1.41), with corresponding causal risk ratios of 1.38(1.23;1.55) based onLPA SNPs and of 1.21(1.06;1.40) based on LPA KIV-2 genotype. For myocardial infarction, corresponding values were 1.20(1.10;1.31) observationally, and 1.18(1.11;1.26) and 1.31(1.22;1.42) causally, respectively. Observational hazard ratios for aortic valve stenosis and myocardial infarction were similar after further adjustment for C-reactive protein levels.
Elevated levels of lipoprotein(a) were not causally associated with increased low-grade inflammation as measured through C-reactive protein, despite a causal association with increased risk of aortic valve stenosis and myocardial infarction.




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