

作者:张婷婷 编译 来源:金宝搏网站登录技巧 日期:2012-12-23


Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Surgical, Angioplasty, or Medical Therapeutics for Coronary Artery Disease

5-Year Follow-Up of Medicine, Angioplasty, or Surgery Study (MASS) II Trial

Ricardo D'Oliveira Vieira, MD; Whady Hueb, MD, PhD; Mark Hlatky, MD, PhD; Desiderio Favarato, MD, PhD; Paulo Cury Rezende, MD; ibele Larrosa Garzillo, MD, PhD; Eduardo Gomes Lima, MD; Paulo Rogério Soares, MD, PhD; Alexandre Ciappina Hueb, MD, PhD; Alexandre Costa Pereira, MD, PhD; José Antonio Franchini Ramires, MD, PhD; Roberto Kalil Filho, MD, PhD

Circulation. 2012; 126: S145-S150

Background—The Second Medicine, Angioplasty, or Surgery Study (MASS II) included patients with multivessel coronary artery disease and normal systolic ventricular function. Patients underwent coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG, n=203), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI, n=205), or medical treatment alone (MT, n=203). This investigation compares the economic outcome at 5-year follow-up of the 3 therapeutic strategies.

Methods and Results—We analyzed cumulative costs during a 5-year follow-up period. To analyze the cost-effectiveness, adjustment was made on the cumulative costs for average event-free time and angina-free proportion. Respectively, for event-free survival and event plus angina-free survival, MT presented 3.79 quality-adjusted life-years and 2.07 quality-adjusted life-years; PCI presented 3.59 and 2.77 quality-adjusted life-years; and CABG demonstrated 4.4 and 2.81 quality-adjusted life-years. The event-free costs were $9071.00 for MT; $19 967.00 for PCI; and $18 263.00 for CABG. The paired comparison of the event-free costs showed that there was a significant difference favoring MT versus PCI (P<0.01) and versus CABG (P<0.01) and CABG versus PCI (P=0.01). The event-free plus angina-free costs were $16 553.00, $25 831.00, and $24 614.00, respectively. The paired comparison of the event-free plus angina-free costs showed that there was a significant difference favoring MT versus PCI (P=0.04), and versus CABG (P<0.001); there was no difference between CABG and PCI (P>0.05).

Conclusions—In the long-term economic analysis, for the prevention of a composite primary end point, MT was more cost effective than CABG, and CABG was more cost-effective than PCI.




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