

作者:小田 译 来源:金宝搏网站登录技巧 日期:2015-12-02


关键字:  抗抑郁药 


        荷兰学者们近期开展了一项事后分析研究,旨在住院严重抑郁患者人群中探讨丙咪嗪或文拉法辛治疗过程中早期改善的预测价值。研究者们对两个几乎相同的试验数据汇集后进行事后分析。纳入149例根据DSM-IV诊断为严重抑郁的患者,基线17项汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAM-D)分数≥17。患者被随机双盲分为两种抑郁药治疗。评估2周后早期改善情况(HAM-D评分降低≥25 %),以及6周急性治疗后的治疗应答情况(HAM-D评分降低≥50 % )。




        参考文献:Michelle C. Odden,et al.Published online: 23 October 2014.Psychopharmacology (2015) 232:1347–1356.DOI 10.1007/s00213-014-3765-1

Early improvement as a predictor of eventual antidepressant treatment response in severely depressed inpatients
Marlijn Vermeiden & Astrid M. Kamperman & Monique E. Vulink &
Walter W. van den Broek & Tom K. Birkenhäger

Rationale Traditionally, the therapeutic effect of antidepressants is thought to take several weeks. However, several
studies found evidence of early drug response occurring within the first 2 weeks of antidepressant treatment and that this early onset response may predict eventual treatment outcome.
Objective This study aims to investigate the predictive value of early improvement in the course of treatment with imipramine or venlafaxine in an inpatient population with severe major depression.
Method A post hoc analysis was conducted after pooling data from two almost identical trials. The study included 149 patients with DSM-IV diagnosis major depression and a baseline score ≥17 on the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D). Patients were randomized for doubleblind treatment with either antidepressant. Early improvement (≥25 % reduction on HAM-D score) was evaluated after 2 weeks and response (≥50 % reduction on HAM-D score) after 6 weeks of acute treatment.
Results Of 64 patients achieving early improvement, 38(59 %) became responders, whereas of 85 patients not achieving early improvement, only 23 (27 %) became responders.There was a significant difference in time to response between patients achieving early improvement and patients not achieving early improvement. Early improvement is a modest sensitive predictor for eventual response.

Conclusion In the present study, although the sensitivity of early improvement was modest, based on the severity of
clinical symptoms, a clinician treating a patient with severe major depression may seriously consider changing the treatment at an earlier stage than is presently customary.




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