截至目前研究人员并不清楚相比其它脑瘤而言,星形细胞瘤为何对疗法的反应如此之差,本文研究中,研究者同海德堡大学的科学家进行合作,鉴别出了一个关键的突破口,或可帮助开发出治疗星形细胞瘤的有效疗法。研究者Matthias Preusser教授指出,星形细胞瘤可以形成互相连接的通信网络,为了完成此目标,肿瘤细胞会通过其细胞膜形成较长的通道,即所谓的肿瘤微导管,因此肿瘤微导管就会将多个肿瘤细胞进行连接。
Brain tumour cells interconnect to a functional and resistant network
Matthias Osswald, Erik Jung, Felix Sahm, Gergely Solecki, Varun Venkataramani, Jonas Blaes, Sophie Weil, Heinz Horstmann, Benedikt Wiestler, Mustafa Syed, Lulu Huang, Miriam Ratliff, Kianush Karimian Jazi, Felix T. Kurz, Torsten Schmenger, Dieter Lemke, Miriam Gmmel, Martin Pauli, Yunxiang Liao, Peter Hring, Stefan Pusch, Verena Herl, Christian Steinhuser, Damir Krunic, Mostafa Jarahian et al.
Astrocytic brain tumours, including glioblastomas, are incurable neoplasms characterized by diffusely infiltrative growth. Here we show that many tumour cells in astrocytomas extend ultra-long membrane protrusions, and use these distinct tumour microtubes as routes for brain invasion, proliferation, and to interconnect over long distances. The resulting network allows multicellular communication through microtube-associated gap junctions. When damage to the network occurred, tumour microtubes were used for repair. Moreover, the microtube-connected astrocytoma cells, but not those remaining unconnected throughout tumour progression, were protected from cell death inflicted by radiotherapy. The neuronal growth-associated protein 43 was important for microtube formation and function, and drove microtube-dependent tumour cell invasion, proliferation, interconnection, and radioresistance. Oligodendroglial brain tumours were deficient in this mechanism. In summary, astrocytomas can develop functional multicellular network structures. Disconnection of astrocytoma cells by targeting their tumour microtubes emerges as a new principle to reduce the treatment resistance of this disease.
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