英国格拉斯哥大学研究人员对6000多名男性进行长达37年的研究显示,每天喝7杯茶以上的人患前列腺癌的风险比每天喝3杯茶以下的人增加50%。他们的研究结果与先前研究称喝茶可降低患癌、心脏病、188bet在线平台网址 以及帕金森病的风险相反。
英国格拉斯哥大学研究人员对6000多名男性进行长达37年的研究显示,每天喝7杯茶以上的人患前列腺癌的风险比每天喝3杯茶以下的人增加50%。他们的研究结果与先前研究称喝茶可降低患癌、心脏病、188bet在线平台网址 以及帕金森病的风险相反。
不过,最新一项由Kumar NB发表的随机对照研究则证明绿茶儿茶酚使用一年,并不降低前列腺癌的风险。这项研究采用安慰剂对照,而绿茶儿茶酚混合物包括400mg 儿茶素(EGCG),每天使用,持续1年,但是,与安慰剂相比,并没有降低前列腺癌的风险。
卡什夫·沙菲克(Kashif Shafique)博士从1970年开始这项研究,参与者当时在21到75岁之间,被要求完成饮茶、咖啡以及酒量的调查问卷,当然也包括吸烟习惯和健康状 况。当时6016人中,只有不到1/4的人每天喝茶7杯以上。这些人在随后37年中,有6.4%患上前列腺癌。
同时,Kashif Shafique博士还发现,饮咖啡可以降低前列腺癌风险,与绿茶作用相反。
Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Green Tea Catechins for Prostate Cancer Prevention.
Preclinical, epidemiological and prior clinical trial data suggest that green tea catechins (GTCs) may reduce prostate cancer (PCa) risk. We conducted a placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial of Polyphenon E (PolyE), a proprietary mixture of GTCs, containing 400 mg (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) per day, in 97 men with high-grade prostatic intraepiThelial neoplasia (HGPIN) and/or atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP). The primary study endpoint was a comparison of the cumulative one-year PCa rates on the two study arms. No differences in the number of PCa cases were observed: 5/49 (PolyE) versus 9/48 (placebo), P=0.25. A secondary endpoint comparing the cumulative rate of PCa plus ASAP among men with HGPIN without ASAP at baseline, revealed a decrease in this composite endpoint: 3/26 (PolyE) versus 10/25 (placebo), P<0.024. This finding was driven by a decrease in ASAP diagnoses on the Poly E (0/26) compared to the placebo arm (5/25). A decrease in serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) was observed on the PolyE arm [-0.87 ng/ml (95%CI: -1.66, -0.09)]. Adverse events related to the study agent did not significantly differ between the two study groups. Daily intake of a standardized, decaffeinated catechin mixture containing 400 mg EGCG per day for 1 year accumulated in plasma and was well tolerated but did not reduce the likelihood of PCa in men with baseline HGPIN or ASAP.
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